14 October 2013

MANAGEMENT SKILLS- About Managing Conflict

About Managing Conflict
by Osmond Vitez, Demand Media

Business owners are responsible for managing a wide variety of business situations. A common issue in the business environment is conflict. Conflict often arises when one individual or business does not approach a situation according to specific expectations. Conflict can occur internally or externally. Internal conflict usually involves the business owner, managers or employees of a business organization. External conflict involves other businesses, customers or the general public.
Managing conflict often requires business owners to discover the main reason for the conflict. Many negative issues can arise during business operations, but owners must wade through these issues to discover the real problem. Attempting to deal with the symptoms of the conflict rather than the original cause may prolong the conflict. Managing conflict can be a difficult process, depending on the size and scope of a companyĆ¢??s operations.
Individual personalities are usually a common denominator in workplace conflicts. Employees may struggle working with individuals who do not have the same ethics, code of conduct or other beliefs when approaching business situations. Clashing personalities often lead to conflicts about how job functions are completed or how individuals treat other employees and customers. Larger organizations with multiple business departments can also face conflict issues when employees in one department cause issues with employees in another department.
Resolution Techniques
Business organizations may attempt several types of conflict resolution techniques to correct negative business situations. Common types of conflict resolution include negotiation, mediation or arbitration, depending on the seriousness of the situation. Negotiation attempts to settle the conflict by reaching a mutual agreement. Mediation uses a third party to discuss the issues and help create a workable solution. Arbitration is similar to mediation, except the arbiter has power to select a solution and enforce the decision.
Companies may attempt to limit the amount of conflict in their workplace or business environment by training and educating employees on proper behavior. Using team-building activities, company picnics or other informal training methods can help build and promote positive relationships. Companies can also use these techniques with customers or vendors to create positive and conflict-free business relationships. The frequency of these events often depends on the size of the company and the diversity of the business environment.
Allowing workplace conflicts to grow and fester might create serious negative business situations. Employees can disrupt the workplace in a way that limits the company’s ability to complete normal business operations. Companies may also earn a poor reputation in the economic marketplace if consumers are continually drawn into employee conflicts. Suppliers or vendors often limit business relationships with companies that continually generate conflict through regular business operations.

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