14 October 2013

MANAGEMENT SKILLS - Conflict Between Managers

Conflict Between Managers

by Leigh Richards, Demand Media

Conflict between managers is not uncommon and can be expected in virtually any work setting.

Conflict between managers can be expected in the workplace and is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, when properly managed, conflict can lead to new ideas, process improvements and even strengthened relationships. Organizations can take steps to help managers address conflict effectively so it becomes a positive rather than negative force in the organization.

Conflict Can be Good

Conflict, even between managers, can be good for organizations, says Carter McNamara, MBA, Ph.D. Conflict is inevitable and to be expected--in fact teams always go through a stage of "storming" that eventually leads to heightened performance when managed effectively. McNamara says that conflict can help to raise and address problems, energize people, help managers learn and benefit from differences. Conflict only becomes problematic when not effectively managed.

What Leads to Conflict

Conflict may occur between managers for a variety of problems. Poor communication is a key cause. When managers communicate ineffectively or jump to conclusions, conflict may result. Conflict over limited resources--staff and budget--can also lead to conflict. Other sources of conflict may be simply interpersonal--different personality styles, different leadership styles and the inability to see another's perspective.

Managers Handle Conflict Differently

Managers have different approaches to conflict and handle these situations differently. Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann, management experts, identified five styles of dealing with conflict in the 1970s. They are competitive, collaborative, compromising, accommodating and avoiding. Clearly, when managers have different styles of dealing with conflict--or even the same style--situations can be exacerbated. Recognizing the different styles and how to communicate effectively with managers who exhibit each of the styles can help managers achieve more positive outcomes.

Leaders Can Help

Organizational and HR leaders can play an important role in helping managers learn how to deal effectively with conflict, says Lin Grensing-Pophal, a communication consultant and author of "Human Resource Essentials". They can take steps to provide opportunities to build and strengthen relationships between managers in non-business settings. They can provide training for managers on communicating effectively, including how to handle conflict situations. And, importantly, they can set a good example themselves and serve as role models to managers.

Debriefing on Conflict

Often when conflict occurs it is quickly addressed, or sometimes ignored, and the parties to the conflict move on. A healthier approach is to debrief on the conflict. What was the cause of the conflict? How was the conflict addressed? What did the managers do well in handling the conflict? What could they have done better? Learning from each situation can help the next situation be resolved more effectively.

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