14 October 2013

MANAGEMENT SKILLS - Resources for Managing Conflict

Resources for Managing Conflict

by Sherrie Scott, Demand Media

Conflict in business is often unavoidable. People are different and along with those differences come varying perspectives on how work should be done. Slight differences of opinion can sometimes develop into a major war if efforts are not made to identify and alleviate potential problems. Businesses must effectively utilize available resources to manage conflict to support a successful working environment.
Employee Handbook
Employee handbooks are a useful resource in managing conflict. Handbooks include a list of bylaws and company rules that are established to protect employee rights and manage company expectations. This document provides management teams with specific procedures for managing inter-office conflict and/or the inappropriate behavior of employees. Employee handbooks offer supervisors a method of handling differences professionally and efficiently, and also helps company’s avoid possible employment law violations.
Human Resources Department
A company’s human resources department is an ideal resource to aid in managing conflict. Human resource specialists are trained in many areas and are skilled at handling conflicts that arise between employees, clients and outside contractors. Human resources professionals are often involved in dispute resolution and require considerable experience in managing agreements between all levels of an organization.
Focus Groups
Client and employee focus groups are an effective method of managing conflict. Focus groups allow individuals with a common interest to come together and discuss issues that affect their environment and well-being. Employers that utilize focus groups and sincerely consider the feedback they receive as a result have a better opportunity to manage conflict before it becomes a problem.
Open-Door Policy
Businesses that practice an open-door policy can often circumvent conflict and other inconsistencies within the organization. Open door policies allow clients and employees the opportunity to address any concerns they may have openly and without any pressure. Suggestion boxes are a common resource used to receive opinions and criticisms regarding business practices before they escalate into quarrels between parties.
Training And Development
Conflict can arise due to a lack of understanding between parties regarding a given duty or task. Streamlining training efforts so that all business associates are on the same page as far as expectations go is often the key to avoiding these types of conflicts. Developing best practices that simplify business expectations and ensuring the compliance of team members and clients can help curtail conflict and encourage harmony within an organization.

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