29 October 2013

MINDSET - How a Positive Mindset is the Foundation for Success

Your “mindset” is the first of the eight critical success factors and probably the most important factor to success. Your mindset is the foundation of ever-lasting wealth, prosperity, success, abundance, and conscious growth. When you create a stable and sturdy foundation, the rest of the building process succeeds with perfection. The goal here is to create a positive mindset to receive the conditions you want in life.

Your mindset is basically who you are. It's comprised of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs of how you perceive yourself, other people, and your surrounding world. If you want to change “you” and your circumstances, you have to have a positive mindset and create a winning attitude.

The basic theme and secret of the universe is that everything is created from one source. What most people think is that creation (your source) lies somewhere outside of you or external from you.
Most people fail to realize that creation lies within you and is completely under your control. Jesus points this out in the bible by saying, “The kingdom of heaven lies within you...” The kingdom of heaven is the source of creation residing inside of you. This is why you call your world, “My life” and not “somebody else's life.” You created “my life” that's why you can call it “my life.”

So, the question is, how do you properly form a positive mindset so you're programmed with a winning attitude of success?

The most important part of your mindset is accessing and utilizing the subconscious mind. Why? 

Because the subconscious mind will attract and reflect the exact circumstance that you deposit into it.

Picture the subconscious mind like a bank. However, this bank is different and you don't deposit money into the bank. Instead, this is a “life” bank, which supersedes all traditional banks. Whatever you deposit at this bank gives you a tenfold return interest. Your deposits consist of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions of yourself, other people, and the surrounding world. Each deposit you make comes back to you in the same “likeness” of the deposit, but magnified ten times greater. When you deposit thoughts and feelings of resentment or poverty, you'll receive corresponding circumstances from those deposits. The same goes with deposits of prosperity and abundance.

You are depositing into your “life bank” on a second by second basis. It's overwhelming on how you have to monitor all of your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs just so you're depositing the correct information for success. Thankfully, there is a solution to this dilemma so you don't have to fret over evaluating each piece of data that comes to your mind. This solution is creating a winning attitude to have a positive mindset.

You have the capability to form a mindset that supports receiving your desires, results, successes, wealth, and prosperity. When you control and form a winning attitude, you'll receive a successful, positive mindset. Once the positive mindset is formed, it becomes like the automatic pilot on an airplane----it will successfully guide you to your intended destination.

So How Do You Form the Winning Attitude 
for a Positive Mindset?
The first way to form a winning attitude for your success is by changing the way you evaluate your environment. This means how you think, feel, and act towards other people and the world at large.

For example, I knew a man who failed miserably in his business. He put in a solid three years of hard work only to receive a large sum of debt to pay back. He was forced to close his business down and was having trouble making ends meet. Being the darkest time of his life, he just couldn't see a way out. Materially, he had nothing left and did not have any direction to go in.

One day he decided to change something. Since he had nothing left to his name, he realized that the only thing he owned was himself. So, what he did different was evaluate his situation from the positive polarity of life.

He decided to become thankful on a daily basis for what he had. He was thankful for his health, fitness, the food on his plate, his house, car, family, and he was even thankful for the learning experience of his failing business. He also decided to let go of the past and of all resentment and guilt that he was experiencing. It wasn't easy for this gentleman, but nonetheless it was a liberating experience. He explained it as, “The weight of life seems to be off my shoulders.”

After a few weeks of changing how he saw the world and his experience, a business idea popped into his head. This idea soon became a burning desire and he knew that he had to follow through on it. However, he was soon brought to a halt by thinking, “Where am I going to get the money from, I'm completely broke!”
Right then and there, two things happened to him within hours apart. First, he remembered that being broke was how he used to think and decided to cast those thoughts out of his mind. Instead, he thought that somehow and someway God will provide him with what he needs because“God's infinite wisdom and wealth reside inside of me.”

A few hours later, he stopped in a bookstore to use the bathroom and on his way out he saw a huge discount sign that said, “20 percent off” all items. He went to that sign and right next to it was another sign that said, “Self-Help.” He thought to himself, “I need a lot of help!”

He then felt something touching his shoe. He looked down and saw it was a book leaning against the toe of his shoe. So he bent down and picked it up and the title was, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,” by Dr. Joseph Murphy.http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=creawealbuil-20&l=as2&o=1&a=160459201X He read the table of contents and the first chapter right there in the book store and knew he had to buy it; so he did.

After reading the book he had a complete understanding on how things worked in this world and why he was getting undesirable circumstances. From there on, he made a commitment to keep on his path of depositing thoughts of prosperity, wealth, and abundance. He didn't worry about where the money was coming from and acted as if he already had what he needed. All in all, he chose to form a winning attitude to create a positive mindset.
The result........he was rewarded from his winning attitude and positive mindset and received all that he needed to succeed in his new business. He understood that his mindset was responsible for his past failure and now responsible for his current success. All he did was change how he thought about himself, his circumstances, and the surrounding world, and he then took action on his inspired ideas.

He changed his circumstances by contemplating what wealth and success looked liked for him once he had it. He was thankful for everything in his life and only saw the good in every situation. If a negative thought or feeling crept in, he quickly changed it by affirming the opposite.

He admitted that this was hard at first. But as he persisted in repetition, he said, “It was as if each day got easier and easier to think and feel correctly. I guess the repetitive action of sowing the seeds of success into my mind became a habit and created a winning attitude. Now, I don't have to monitor my attitude as much and success seems automatic.”

This leads to the second way for forming a winning attitude and a positive mindset for your success. That is........repetition.
The first law of learning is recognition. Once you recognize that there is a problem, you have the power to change and learn. In the above story, the man in poverty recognized and accepted that he had nothing and needed to change. What followed from this recognition was an idea on what to do differently. He started to think in direct opposite of his poverty, which was gratitude, success, prosperity, and wellness.

This man felt good and saw positive results about what he was doing, so he decided to repeat his course of action. The more he repeated what he was doing, the more successful he became. Then, it wasn't long after until his success became automatic and habitual.

His repetition of planting the correct seeds of success into his mind reprogrammed to a positive mindset and created the winning attitude and circumstances he wanted. The more he repeated the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of success, the faster and easier inspired action and successful outcomes manifested for him.

The key is to constantly immerse your thoughts, feelings, and actions into that which brings you value.
What brings you value in life is holding the self image of success and wealth. Think and feel wealth and success. Imagine and feel yourself already in possession of the outcome you desire. Repeat this affirmation as often as you'd like too:

God's infinite power, wisdom, and abundance reside within me. I am a magnet to money and financial prosperity. I am a tremendous success and everything I want and need comes to me in its proper time. My supply is unlimited and I receive wealth in avalanches of abundance. I believe in myself and in my product. I believe that I provide ten times the value than what my service is worth. I earn (insert money goal here.) dollars as a (insert service you provide here.) I have access to an endless supply of riches and I tap into those riches every second of the day. I am the light that directs the goodness of all universal flow.

Immerse yourself in great books, articles, shows, and environments that contribute to your positive mindset. Surround yourself with partnerships and people that support who you want to become.

Treat your mind like a new born baby and feed it only products of growth, wellness, prosperity, and expansion. Avoid everything that devalues your mindset like the plague.

Follow the instructions above and prosperity will flood your life.

Your mindset is the foundation of all wealth and success. All you have to do is form a winning attitude to create the positive mindset for success.

You form this winning attitude by changing and sowing thoughts, feelings, and beliefs into the marvelous garden of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like a bank that returns to you a tenfold in interest. Whatever you deposit into your subconscious mind, you will receive a magnified and corresponding return.

The key is to immerse yourself in that which provides value to your life. Then, avoid everything to the contrary like the plague.
When you control and direct your mind to the proper thoughts and feelings of success, you form a winning attitude. That winning attitude shapes your mindset and your success will be on automatic.

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