13 October 2013

PEOPLE - Honesty/Truthfulness; Sincerity

by Roy Posner and MSS

Honesty vs. True Honesty
Honesty is to be truthful. True Honesty is to be truthful at al planes of consciousness -- physical, vital, psychological, and mental. (MSS)

True Honesty
Most people associate honesty with "telling the truth."  In fact, real honesty is "feeling" the truth as well.  If you say something one way and feel different inside, then there is no true honesty. It's somewhat akin to putting fancy packaging on a poor product.
We have witnessed that whenever a person moves from just telling the truth to both telling and really meaning what he says, life immediately responds to that change. By moving toward True Honesty one can create the life responses and breakthroughs to success that one is seeking. People believe that by being fully honest we somehow lose in business and life. The truth is, not being fully honest blocks energy. True honesty lets energy flow into one's work and life.

Honesty, Truthfulness at Various LevelsHonesty, truthfulness needs to be at the level of thought, feeling, and action. 

True Honesty in Business
There is outer business honesty and then there is inner honesty. Inner honesty is the true measure of honesty.


Honesty as Human Value
A values is a belief, something that we subscribe to. Honesty, like openness, tolerance, et al are examples of a human value.
Honesty as Higher Values
Honesty, integrity, truthfulness, fairness, and justice are higher [forms of] values. (MSS)
Honesty as Mental ValueMental values express in honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness and idealism. (MSS) 

Honesty as Spiritual Value
(True) Honesty is a spiritual value.

Spiritual Truth and Honesty, Truthfulness
One aspect of the supreme is integral Truth and Knowledge. It expresses as the opposite of falsehood and the opposite of dishonesty, lack of truthfulness.

Spirit and ValuesThough Spirit in its original splendour is a high goal, its values of honesty, loyalty, truthfulness, cleanliness, and silence are what we can now know and follow. (MSS) 

Reorganizing Life through Spiritual ValuesLife can be reorganized on the basis of spiritual values of Truth, Honesty, Loyalty, Integrity, Purity, and Perfection. (MSS)

Truthfulness and Best Results
The very best results require utter truthfulness. (MSS) 

Honesty and Life Response of Opportunities
Conscious inner effort to change towards HONESTY brings still higher opportunities. (MSS) 

Honesty and Prosperity
The basis of Prosperity is industry, responsibility, honesty, organisation, common sense and alertness in life. (MSS) 

Truthfulness and Prosperity
Truthfulness is abundant Prosperity in [an individual's] own life. (MSS) 

Truth Alone Accomplishes
TRUTH accomplishes, TRUTH alone accomplishes. (MSS) 

Prosperity and TruthfulnessOur prosperity is in proportion to our truthfulness (MSS) 

Utility of Value of Truth in Business
Two companies provide statistics on yearly chip production output in the world. They compete in the marketplace, and are quoted in news articles about the future direction of the semiconductor industry for the upcoming year. (Current production is ~$200 billion, which puts it back at or even above the level before the dotcom and economic collapse of a few years ago.) 

One says that "experiences of the PAST will guide us;" while the other says that "the past is no guide, as there are NEW factors that have now come into play." They both rigorously defend their own turf, even in the face of facts which question their fundamental assumptions.  

The Truth is inclusive of both of these and beyond. We can learn from the past, embrace the new, be ready for the unexpected, and ask ourselves if we are aware of even 1/10th of the factors that are involved; i.e. of the ultimate truths behind things. In this sense, the adoption of the value of Truth could be the greatest of all values to adopt. 

Let's say one of these companies sought for Truth, instead of defending its turf of the cyclical past, or of the newly emerging, etc. It sought to know ALL of the factors that go into making a projection of future growth. As part of its mission, it even included or adopted the approaches of rivals! It went further still and did a self-examination of its own internal belief systems of what it perceived as truth, on the one side, and investigated and acquired the knowledge of actual possibilities and realities of truth concerning the object of inquiry, on the other. Now they adopt the details of this many-sided approach towards truth to the reality they are measuring (in this case semiconductor sales projections for the coming years), and proceeded from that point to develop its services. They would surely have the most powerful insights, which in the short or long run command great respect from the subscriber community, since their results would provide the right projection, which would be appreciated, potentially enabling them to grow rapidly, leaving others in the dust. As a result of making the self-directed transition to the wider truth, there is not only a break out at the practical level of customer being attracted to a vendor with a better solution, but there would be life response breakouts at more subtle levels, projecting them towards infinite accomplishment. 

I would imagine that the first step is to understand the meaning of Truth itself. It is not truth in the sense of being honest (though it is somewhat related even there). It is the integral reality of the object. The example described above should be sufficient for a businessperson to see Truth's essential meaning. For those who are willing to go further and attempt to see its deeper spiritual meaning -- i.e. as Being --  they will be able to formulate yet profounder and fresher approaches to their work. It will have the effect of not only perfecting their understanding of the meaning and value of Truth, not only enable its perfect implementation and execution in the marketplace as the infinite breaks out, but enable an internal progress and evolution of the Being and Truth of the company itself.

On Utter Truthfulness
Utter Truthfulness is the channel through which the Spirit emerges. To subtle vision, such a truthfulness in a person appears to be a dot of light in him or a bright aura around him. (MSS)

Value of Honesty
Honesty brings accomplishment, a peaceful heart, and is a means through which Truth and the Spirit emerges.

Honesty and Life ResponseTrue honesty and integrity attracts positive responses from life.

Applying the Personal Value of Honesty and Life Response (i.e. sudden good fortune)
Applying personal values in the details of our daily lives generates a great power for success and happiness. For example, a woman in college was about to take a test for admission to a company. Her fellow students knew the answers in advance -- thereby substantially increasing her chances for admittance. However, she decided not to get the answers because she valued honesty. As it turned out, when the day of the test arrived, the class was cancelled. Not only that, but she was later accepted at that very same company -- a result that came to her as a complete surprise! Applying personal values not only has the magnificent power to ennoble and uplift life, but can also evoke marvelous responses from life as well.

Overcoming Dishonesty that Attracts Sudden Good Fortune
If you make a concerted effort to overcome any of the causes of dishonesty -- deception, weakness, laziness, jealousy, willingness to harm, lack of knowledge and understanding, etc. in yourself, there is a good chance of life responding with instances of sudden good fortune.

Being Forthright Quickly Attracts Purchased Book
The author of a book suggested that another person download a copy of his work. He told the purchaser that the book was not the final edition, but a preview edition. The purchaser understood this. He told the purchaser that the book would take up to 10 days to arrive. He further informed the purchaser that the book cover for the book he purchased was not the same as the latest edition, that the font text size was smaller and a bit difficult to read than the later edition, and so forth. He did this so the purchaser would be forewarned and not be disappointed.
The next day the purchaser informed the author that the book had suddenly arrived -- not 10 days later, but only 2! Because the author was forthright with the purchaser, the book came much earlier than expected, pleasing the purchaser to no end!
The episode indicates that being forthright and honest has the power to attract positive conditions and overcome the limits of time.
Efforts at Bring Honest Bring Beneficial Results
When you make an effort at bringing truths to light, information can come to you from the other direction that can be quite beneficial.

Revealing Truth that Requires Strength Rewards
Revealing the truth of things often requires a level of courage and psychological strength. All effort are rewarded in some fashion by life thereafter.

Western Material Success and Honesty
The Westerner has material success in matter because he has applied true spiritual values to that endeavor such as honesty, orderliness, systemization, etc. (MSS)

Needs for Truth and Honesty
Perhaps the single value that has most contributed to the success of the West has been its full acceptance of Truth in life -- i.e. being truthful and honest with one another, not tolerating corruption and bribery, and a general belief in the practical values of integrity, decency, and virtue. It is crucial that Indians apply the value of Truth in their own lives if they are to have material success. If they do so, they will get an added benefit not currently available in the West. Because the spirit is inbuilt into every Indian, adoption of Truth in the details of one's life will enable the spirit to express in every undertaking, in every aspect, in all planes of life. This will reflect in endless, causal positive responses from life, enabling one's daily existence to become a ceaseless wonder and marvel.

Success of USA and Honesty
 USA has known vast material success in matterachieved by applying true spiritual values such as honesty, orderliness, systemization, etc.

Honesty Passed on by US ParentsWhat they [the parents of USA] want to pass on to their children is high values such as integrity and honesty. (MSS)

Truth, Honesty, Integrity Accelerates Development
More than their genius or insights, it is TRUTH, fact, honesty, and integrity have fostered the development of science in the West. These elements are essential keys to many facets of human development, including the social and economic sphere. In those nations where these elements are lacking, their implementation will be a fast-track to vast and rapid economic and social development (Paraphrase of MSS)

Truthfulness in a Child's Mind

-Only utter Truthfulness in the child will induce the Spirit to descend into the child's mind.
-The system I envision requires utter Truthfulness in the child. No parent who relies on social falsehood can send his child to our schools. (MSS, excerpted)

Truthfulness and Genius
I ask for utter truthfulness in the mentally awakened. Such a cross-section of people -- espousing truth and giving up rituals -- will find Genius within their reach. (MSS)

Forms of Lying, DishonestyUnder this category there are hundreds of motivations that cause man to consciously exaggerate, distort and lie. Here some of the more frequent and obvious ones can be mentioned.
a. Exaggeration and distortion in order to seem important. Two friends meet after some time. One man has been working very hard, around 10 hours a day, but when reporting to his friend, cannot check the impulse to say, "I have been working like a slave, at least 16 hours a day."
b. Someone is sitting alone in a room for two hours. A friend later asks him, "Were you meditating?" Even though he was not, he knows that the friend would be impressed if he were. Before he is aware, out comes, "Yes."
c. Conscious lying in order to take joy in the disturbance or intensity which arises from the lie. A child knows that his mother is sensitive to criticism. He deliberately goes and tells her that a friend has spoken badly about her.
d. Lying in order to bring about a certain known reaction from the hearer. A child knows that in the past he has received much praise from his father for his excellence in sports. He makes up a story that he has won the first place in a school sports competition.
e. Lying out of jealousy or spite.
f. Lying out of intention to harm another person. (MSS)
Various Forms of DishonestySometimes people don't say what they mean in order to hide something, protect themselves or someone else, or simply because they are trying to deceive in order to gain from circumstance. Do you have any of these traits? If so. Why (i.e. where do they come from)? What can you do to overcome these tendencies?  

Dishonesty Attracts the Negative in Film Win Win 
“Dishonesty attracts an ever-widening circle of problems.”
We see this dynamic of negative life response to dishonesty very clearly in the recent acclaimed American farce film Win Win.
In the story, a small-town New Providence, New Jersey attorney Mike Flaherty moonlights as a wrestling coach and struggles to keep his practice solvent, while shielding his wife Jackie and their two young girls from the extent of the problem. When his court-appointed client Leo Poplar, who is suffering from early dementia, turns out to have no locatable relatives, Mike persuades a judge to appoint him as guardian, for which he will receive a stipend of $1500/month. It is pure dishonesty because Leo should have been left in his own home, and the attorney Mike has seen a way to take advantage of the situation to garner the $1500 a month in order to keep his practice and his family financially afloat.
However, soon after a series of problems arise.
When the elderly Leo's troubled teenage grandson Kyle shows up looking to live with him, Mike and Jackie let Kyle stay with them, as Mike has moved Leo to a senior care facility. They discover that Kyle is a talented wrestler, and enroll him at Mike's high school, where he can resume his education and wrestle on Mike's awful, losing team, helping to make them viable contenders in their league.
This "everyone benefits" setup (in the mind of Mike; hence the ironic title of the film “Win Win”) is disrupted when Kyle's mother Cindy shows up, fresh out of rehab. Cindy attempts to gain custody of her father and her son, and with them her father's substantial estate.
When Kyle learns that Mike had originally promised to keep Leo in his home but has instead moved him to a nursing home, the boy rightfully rejects Mike as a money-seeking opportunist no better than his mother.
Realizing the mistake of his earlier actions, and seeking instead to do what's best for both Leo and Kyle, Mike offers Kyle’s mother Cindy the monthly $1500 he had desperately and dishonestly secured for in an stipend in exchange for leaving them in his care. Mike and Jackie take Kyle into their home permanently and return Leo to his, with Mike instead taking a bartending job to address his financial problems.
Here we see how dishonesty attracts an ever-widening circle of problems. When the truth comes out, the individual who was dishonest is forced to change his actions, but not before creating much unintended suffering for others.
Interestingly, Mike had been almost angel-like in his career, helping those who were underprivileged and otherwise having problems in society. Yet even he lied to keep his own financial position secure, which shows that the best of us can take to dishonesty to placate our Ego, instead of taking right actions that could have attracted the positive and elevated our position in life.
A Reader Comments: Don't we all face with the choice at every moment to take either path! It takes constant consciousness to take the right path as to the perceived or justified "right" path!
Response: Very true. However, if we truly perceive that Honesty attracts the positive, and the reverse for dishonesty, it makes the choice much easier, for who does not want to attract very positive outcomes, and avoid attracting painful ones.

Examples of Lack of Honesty in Business
Here are some common business examples of how people avoid True Honesty in business:
(With permission from Mother's Service Society)
  • Not returning money the client has forgotten.
  • Overcharging a buyer because he is ignorant of the usual terms.
  • Taking the line of least resistance when there is an advantage.
  • Angling for commercial gifts, because everyone gets them.
  • Refusing to extend a concession which we are getting from others.
  • Refusing to pass on to the customer a concession our supplier has given.
  • When money is due on the 30th day and we have it earlier, waiting till the last day to pay.
  • Hiding facts from customers because the product comes from another country and the customers cannot afford to know.
  • Fancy packaging hiding poor quality.
  • Substituting cheap ingredients for expensive ones.
  • Negotiation of prices without disclosing the extras like postage, etc.
  • Repairmen taking advantage of customer's ignorance.
  • Misrepresentation.
  • Believing the lies of your supplier and passing them on to your buyers.
  • Putting false pressure on the customer.
  • When the closing time is 5 p.m., trying to close ten or fifteen minutes earlier. (MSS)
Dishonest and Laziness
One cause of dishonesty is laziness; unwillingness to take action, and express what is the truth of things our of inertia. Other causes are deception, jealousy, wanting to harm another, weakness, etc.

Overcoming Dishonesty that Attracts Sudden Good Fortune
If you make a concerted effort to overcome any of the causes of dishonesty -- deception, weakness, laziness, jealousy, willingness to harm, lack of knowledge and understanding, etc. in yourself, there is a good chance of life responding with instances of sudden good fortune.

On Lying
-A liar will not trust another liar. Instead, he will trust a truthful person instead.
-We must have talent to lie. We can use that talent for the truth instead. (MSS)

Speaking the Factual TruthTo speak only the precise factual Truth is an extremely difficult task requiring a great objectivity. The mind distorts the truth for a variety of reasons and in a variety of methods. (MSS) [One of which are the various distortions related to honesty.]

Understanding and Overcoming Lying
A question from a reader: Is there any sure method by which one can cure oneself of the disease of telling lies?

One can start by discovering the psychological cause of why lies are being told, and work from there. E.g. one man exaggerated because he was insecure in his accomplishments, while other times he did so for the purpose of impressing, another form of insecurity. There are many other psychological causes of lying; among them -- jealousy, spitefulness, to hide the truth or unfavorable circumstance, to seek gain ahead of others, and to deceive for the purpose of preventing another's satisfaction or doing harm. Lying can also devolve into a pure habit one is unconscious of that is an acquired or learned behavior from family, friends, or others. There can also be a culture of lying.

One can overcome lying by simply learning to catch it when it arises. One can also commit to a life plan to never act this way, carried it out with sincerity and determination. We can go further still and look at the deepest psychological cause of lying in our nature and make the full inner effort to change that as well.

To help us along the way, we can offer that matter to the spiritual Force at each point, which will support its permanent transmutation.

Finally, we will be compelled to follow a course of 100% Honesty when we understand its great utility in life, including its tremendous force for accomplishment, including its miraculous-like life response power.

Revealing Truth that Requires Strength Rewards
Revealing the truth of things often requires a level of courage and psychological strength. All effort are rewarded in some fashion by life thereafter.

Socially Enforced HonestyThe world enjoys a socially enforced honesty; not individually cherished one. (MSS)

Other (related to honesty, truthfulness)
The True Psychological Individual and Honesty
He [the True Individual] must be able to rise above social inhibitions and become a psychological Individual expressing Truth, Courage, Honesty, etc. (MSS)

Value of Family Life Taking to Utter Truthfulness
Man taking to a life of utter truthfulness will be rewarded by The Mother with a family life that is a miniature of Earthly Paradise. (MSS)

The Values Center



On Sincerity

"What do you mean by sincerity." To answer it summarily, we can say that NO mercenary motive of any description should be introduced. (Karmayogi)

To Be Sincere
To be sincere is to mean what you say; to keep to one's word; not to deceive in any way; to have a motive that is expressed at the surface.

To be sincere is to be truthful in our statements and intentions. The thought, will, urge, comes from a real truth, not from a degree of falsehood.

SinceritySincere is to show, demonstrate the truth for the highest of reasons.

InsincerityTo be insincere is to hide the truth for usually questionable motives.

UntitledA serious person is committed to abiding by and adhering to the truth of things. It is sincerity.

Sincerity & Truth
Being truthful, even Truth itself is part of sincerity.

Sincerity and Truthfulness
Sincerity and truthfulness are the golden keys. (William Learner)

Are You Sincere?
-Do you truly want to do as you say you want to do?
-Do you truly believe what you say?

Physical, Vital, Mental Sincerity
There is physical, vital, and mental sincerity. E.g. physical sincerity is where your physical actions match you intensions. Vital sincerity is whether your emotions match your (physical) actions and (mental) thoughts. Mental sincerity is whether you attempts and desire to express your sincerity are reasoned and real to begin with.

Levels of Sincerity
There is mental sincerity, vital sincerity and the sincerity of the body. Mental sincerity means to understand and accept in the mind the highest ideals of the inner Divine. The mind has a personality of its own, its own beliefs, preferences, traditions, habits, etc. A person may want to dedicate himself to a very high ideal but the mind may not be able to accept. The nerves, otherwise known as "vital", also have their own personality. The body has an equally powerful one, perhaps more powerful. Each of them have developed on their own and retain their individuality. (MSS)

Test of Sincerity at Various Levels
There is a test for sincerity and its level of attainments. One who has achieved mental sincerity will not complain about anything. One whose vital sincerity is complete will not know any sadness of any kind. The man who has achieved sincerity at the physical level will not meet with failures of any kind in his work. (MSS)

See MSS Paper on Sincerity

Insincerity is to have mercenary motives.

InsincerityTo be insincere is to not mean what you say; to not keep to one's word; to deceive in any way; to have a motive that is not expressed at the surface, only in he depths.

To be sincere is to be untruthful in our statements and intentions. The thought, will, urge, comes from a degree of, not from real truth.

InsincerityTo be insincere is to hide the truth for usually questionable motives.

Insincerity of Europe, America, the Britisher
The European or American cannot be sincere as they are prejudiced and unemotional. The Britisher has organized his insincerity as diplomatic objectivity. He excels others in his incapacity to be true or sincere. (MSS)

US Presidential InsincerityThough an individual takes action that appears positive on the surface, he may be masking insincerity that has long term negative effect.

Nixon had expanded the war in Vietnam, played dirty tricks domestically, and was embroiled in Watergate. With his fortunes sinking, Kissinger offered the possibility of going to China. It was not China's benefit that was the motive, but a way to create a wedge against the Soviets. Even the Mother commented on these nefarious tactics in the Agenda, hoping instead for reconciliation between the US and the Soviets. Insincerity was thus there behind.

Reagan was burdened by Iran-Contra scandal. His legacy was also much in question. When he saw the opening through Gorbachev to end the Cold War he went for it, saving his legacy. Even his moronic wife advocated he take it up as a way to save face. Once he left however there was no desire to eliminate the rest of the missiles. All that mattered in the negotiations was getting the upper hand for America. There was no sincere effort to complete the process, which lingers ominously to this very day. Again, insincerity was there behind.

Bush now in power is the latest manifestation of insincerity. It expresses in so many dozens of small and large ways that it borders on the absurd. (McCain has perhaps the most confused and contradictory outlook in modern presidential history. Obama was unconscious of the fact that he was being used by conservative independents to humiliate Hillary Clinton, and thus women.) 
America is looking for advantage not cooperation and communion, demonstrating its adolescent, independent-minded immaturity. How can it lead the world when its self-interests trump the movement toward world unity?

Insincerity in Diplomacy; and Terrorism
Mind is a plane of knowledge. Progress here demands purity and TRUTH. Man has a way of moving to the impurity in insincerity and falsehood. Especially in the affairs of a nation, the diplomats cannot always be frank and true. Diplomacy often becomes a successful weapon in international affairs.

Insincerity becomes a way of life in diplomacy. Unless one realises his own insincerity and by his own idealism comes forward to change the way of life, there is no alternative. The terrorist crudely exposes the mental insincerity of international politics.

In my view, this is what terrorism does. Though unpardonable, in a higher sense, the movement of terrorism TELLS the world that for the urge of social evolution to fully express itself, it has to shed its own accretion of mental insincerity in the garb of diplomacy.
Should the MIND come forward to be more and more sincere in its utterances and convictions, the external movements of barbaric acts of terrorism will shrink and finally disappear. (MSS)

Changing Insincerity in Our Consciousness
When we do feel conscious of a problem or ourselves, we can look inside and see that we do NOT want to speak to Mother [The Divine]. Sincerity will unfailingly show where we are conscious or not. The only alternative to insincerity is to change into sincerity. This shift is heavy, difficult, and must be undertaken carefully, slowly and gradually. (MSS)

Insincerity of Human Sincerity
Human sincerity is insincerity, because man is sincere to his own interest. (MSS)

Insincere Strategies
Insincerity uses insincere strategies.

Insincerity Reaps Its Own 'Rewards'
The wish to use a power and the unwillingness to give it its due is not sincere. Insincerity will reap the rewards of insincerity.

See MSS Paper on Sincerity
Physical, Vital, Mental and Spiritual Sincerity and Accomplishment
Like other human attributes and attitudes, there are several types and degrees of sincerity. Physical sinceritymay be defined as the unqualified, unhesitating willingness to responsibly perform the physical actions required to achieve a result. Americans are said to be sincere in their work because they are willing to physically exert themselves to whatever extent is required, whereas people of some nationalities prefer to make the minimum effort demanded of them and depend on others to generate results for their benefit.

Vital sincerity is the state in which a person's inner feelings endorse what his understanding has accepted as right and his external behavior reflects. In common parlance, we may say the person is genuine. Americans who espouse the ideal of equality but secretly harbor a sense of superiority over blacks and people of other races or nationalities are lacking in vital sincerity. In contrast, The Mother says that the Russian people were sincere in the basic human values that they aspired for, even though in practice their form of government was the antithesis of real freedom, equality and fraternity.

Mental sincerity is achieved when the mind accepts and the mental will endorses what the understanding knows to be true and right. Acknowledging and espousing high ideals which one is unwilling to live by or applying standards of conduct to others that one is unwilling to apply in judging oneself are instances of mental insincerity. The scientist who publishes investigative data that refutes a theory he has been strongly advocating for his entire professional career exhibits mental sincerity. The individual who can impartially present facts and arguments in favor of those who oppose him may be said to be mentally sincere.

Sincerity at any of these levels has a tremendous power to evoke positive responses and elevate the level of accomplishment. But beyond these, there is a still greater, extraordinary power that is rarely unleashed in its purity - the power of spiritual sincerity. Spiritual sincerity, when it is organized as power, exercises mastery over all other forces in social life - military, political, economic, social, monetary, cultural, religious, psychological - and has the capacity to accomplish even under conditions which would otherwise defy accomplishment. (MSS)

A Sincere PersonA sincere person recognizes his defects.

To Be Sincere About Our LimitationsTo be sincere is to admit that no matter how much progress we have made, we still have a long way to go.

Sincere Effort to Uplift One's Self
The real question is who is SINCERE about identifying the positive and negative factors in our being and make the full effort to implement it.

Most will change as life conditions change; when it puts pressure on one. This is powerful but UNCONSCIOUS change. Coming up with a life plan, including ways to lift up our positives while holding down the negative, and then sincerely implementing it is a sign of SERIOUSNESS. Otherwise, lofty inspirations and powerful ideas will be mere passing fancy.
Who is honest with themselves and ready to pass this test?

Sincere Progress of Aspiration Being really sincere that you want to make progress will help you do so. It indicates a truth in one's aspiration.

Overcoming Our Limitations through Strategies and Sincerity
One can speak to the Divine only when we are conscious of our problem and ourselves, better still conscious of the Divine. When we do feel conscious of a problem or ourselves, we can look inside and see that we do NOT want to speak to the Divine. Sincer
ity will unfailingly show where we are conscious or not. The only alternative to insincerity is to change into sincerity. This shift is heavy, difficult, and must be undertaken carefully, slowly and gradually.

Locate a work where you are unconscious and forget the Divine - e.g. starting to read a book - and make a decision to catch yourself in the act at least once in ten acts. Achieve a breakthrough. Physical urge, vital energy or mental preference will have a marked liking of our forgetting. It has to be met, handled, broken, and progress made. The key lies in the strategy and its sincerity.

Sincerity uses sincere strategies. Insincerity uses insincere strategies. (MSS, somewhat modified)

Sincere Personal and Spiritual Growth through an Organized Plan
"The golden RULE is not to achieve, but to preserve what is achieved. We have to observe ourselves very closely and explain to ourselves the nature of our acts. We always think of the ideal to which we should reach, which is good in itself; but let us know that it is only a thought. From where we are to where we should go there are a great many steps. Let us know all these conditions and find out what is the immediate next step. If one is to act, if one is to do the right thing, if one is sincere to himself, all that one can do is know this next step and take it. Rationally that is the only thing he can ever do. The rest he can only talk about."

This is the process of creation for the aspiring spiritual individual. Goals of self-improvement considered and perceived, knowing the strategies to get there, and acting on them is that process. It is for those serious in his endeavor. Then this person will become an entirely new person, the spiritual individual. Otherwise, it is a slow, semi or unconscious process of hit and miss, using this and that technique of Appa's when applicable. A life plan of his teachings that incorporates a way to hold down the negative and uplift the positive shows sincerity. It will enable personal and spiritual progress, even evolution, marked by constant evocation of LUCK.

Just the other day I decided to be positive in my attitudes for the rest of my life, holding down certain specific negative ones, like anger, irritation, sarcasm, and several others. I even though of catching and halting the tiniest negative that arises inside me. If I do it AS A SERIOUS PLAN, doing it sincerely with full effort, it will be a breakthrough. Otherwise, I will have to go through the hit and miss cycles of ordinary life; even with my knowledge of Karmayogi's principles.

Life Will Show One's SincerityLife will show one's sincerity in a few acts in a few hours. (MSS, abridged)

Sincerity and ProgressSimple sincerity: the beginning of all progress. (The Mother)

Sincerity of Our WorstAt the best of moments, sincerity shows our worst is there fully alive. (MSS)

Sincerity and ProgressSimple sincerity: the beginning of all progress. (The Mother)

UntitledSincerity in partnership or wedded life accepts all that has happened to the other person has originated in from oneself. (MSS)

Sincerity & Accomplishment

Sincerity & Accomplishment

-Absolute sincerity brings in absolute accomplishment.
-Outer sincerity gives outer results in work. Inner sincerity produces more.

Physical, Vital, Mental and Spiritual Sincerity and Accomplishment
Like other human attributes and attitudes, there are several types and degrees of sincerity. Physical sinceritymay be defined as the unqualified, unhesitating willingness to responsibly perform the physical actions required to achieve a result. Americans are said to be sincere in their work because they are willing to physically exert themselves to whatever extent is required, whereas people of some nationalities prefer to make the minimum effort demanded of them and depend on others to generate results for their benefit.

Vital sincerity is the state in which a person's inner feelings endorse what his understanding has accepted as right and his external behavior reflects. In common parlance, we may say the person is genuine. Americans who espouse the ideal of equality but secretly harbor a sense of superiority over blacks and people of other races or nationalities are lacking in vital sincerity. In contrast, The Mother says that the Russian people were sincere in the basic human values that they aspired for, even though in practice their form of government was the antithesis of real freedom, equality and fraternity.

Mental sincerity is achieved when the mind accepts and the mental will endorses what the understanding knows to be true and right. Acknowledging and espousing high ideals which one is unwilling to live by or applying standards of conduct to others that one is unwilling to apply in judging oneself are instances of mental insincerity. The scientist who publishes investigative data that refutes a theory he has been strongly advocating for his entire professional career exhibits mental sincerity. The individual who can impartially present facts and arguments in favor of those who oppose him may be said to be mentally sincere.

Sincerity at any of these levels has a tremendous power to evoke positive responses and elevate the level of accomplishment. But beyond these, there is a still greater, extraordinary power that is rarely unleashed in its purity - the power of spiritual sincerity. Spiritual sincerity, when it is organized as power, exercises mastery over all other forces in social life - military, political, economic, social, monetary, cultural, religious, psychological - and has the capacity to accomplish even under conditions which would otherwise defy accomplishment. (MSS)

Resolutions Matched by Sincerity, etc.
Are our new resolutions matched by true sincerity, conviction, and intent?

Inner Sincerity that Attracts
Inner sincerity attracts likeminded sincerity from the world around us.

Sincerity and Life Response
Sincerity at the mental, vital, and mental  levels has a tremendous power to evoke positive response
 from life.

Sincere Personal and Spiritual Growth through an Organized Plan
"The golden RULE is not to achieve, but to preserve what is achieved. We have to observe ourselves very closely and explain to ourselves the nature of our acts. We always think of the ideal to which we should reach, which is good in itself; but let us know that it is only a thought. From where we are to where we should go there are a great many steps. Let us know all these conditions and find out what is the immediate next step. If one is to act, if one is to do the right thing, if one is sincere to himself, all that one can do is know this next step and take it. Rationally that is the only thing he can ever do. The rest he can only talk about."

This is the process of creation for the aspiring spiritual individual. Goals of self-improvement considered and perceived, knowing the strategies to get there, and acting on them is that process. It is for those serious in his endeavor. Then this person will become an entirely new person, the spiritual individual. Otherwise, it is a slow, semi or unconscious process of hit and miss, using this and that technique of Appa's when applicable. A life plan of his teachings that incorporates a way to hold down the negative and uplift the positive shows sincerity. It will enable personal and spiritual progress, even evolution, marked by constant evocation of LUCK.

Just the other day I decided to be positive in my attitudes for the rest of my life, holding down certain specific negative ones, like anger, irritation, sarcasm, and several others. I even though of catching and halting the tiniest negative that arises inside me. If I do it AS A SERIOUS PLAN, doing it sincerely with full effort, it will be a breakthrough. Otherwise, I will have to go through the hit and miss cycles of ordinary life; even with my knowledge of Karmayogi's principles.

Sincerity and Abundance
For an abundant prosperity of hundred times, what change is necessary? Of course, a lazy man trying to make his nature dynamic will surely be rewarded. But the very opposite is also true, i.e. total sincerity may secure the result even without touching the swabhava or even behaviour. As our sincerity is usually ZERO, it is best to try the utmost possibility. Total sincerity is, To be sincere to everyone, to everything, all the time, as if it is second nature. When this sincerity is offered to [to the Divine], abundant prosperity is too small and one can achieve it without any other change. (MSS)

Spiritual Sincerity and Life Response
Organized sincerity acts directly on the corresponding points in our own consciousness to exercise power over the external world. Identifying the inner correspondents for outer obstacles and referring those inner points to the center of organized spiritual sincerity has the power to move social and psychological forces that defy every external initiative. This inward action evoking positive change outside is referred to as "life response". (MSS)

Power of Sincerity
A drop of sincerity moves mountains. (MSS)

Power of Sincerity
There is a great power associated with being sincere in life.

See Article on Accomplishment that Covers the Topic of Spiritual Sincerity
Sincerity and Absence of Ego
Sincerity is to have moved away from the ego. (MSS)

Sincerity to the Core , Ego, and Relative SincerityWhen one moves away from ego one, becomes sincere to the core. Until then there are degrees of sincerity only.

A Sincere PersonA sincere person knows he is insincere (MSS)

Inward Overcoming Folly that is SincerityAttachment to folly and desire to get rid of it exist simultaneously. So man preserves it inside and tries to give it up outside. Sincerity is to turn the effort inside. (MSS)

Sincerity and the SubconsciousSincerity is to be conscious in the subconscious. (MSS)

Spiritual Sincerity

Click here to see entries


Reversing Insincerity Attracts Gratitude
Reversing insincerity attracts Gratitude from others.

Sincerity Emotionalizes the ConceptSincerity emotionalizes the mental concept and thus gives a greater opening. (MSS)

Particular to General Sincerity
When a member of the family acknowledges to another member the presence if a bad trait in the family, his sincerity moves from the particular to the general.

Insincerity and FatigueWhen you are near a person and you feel a sudden fatigue chances are they are being insincere.
Inner Sincerity
Outer sincerity which gives outer results in work completing the inner sincerity requires one speak out the harm he did to others to the affected individuals. (MSS)

Sincerity & One's Consciousness
Sincerity will unfailingly show where we are conscious or not.

Sincerity  and Success
Sincerity is finally rewarded. (MSS)

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