11 October 2013

PEOPLE - Why do some people think they are so much better than others?


Why do some people think they are so much better than others?

I am almost 60, and it never ceases to amaze me how snooty some people can be! I grew up in the 1960's and my family had quite a bit more than most did where we resided. However, I was taught to treat everyone as my equal. Now, I am quite rich, and I think if some of those sooty people only knew they would be knocking my door down to be my friend!! I am not comfortable at reunions (school or family) because I know how these folks have treaed me over the years. Why don't they get it, it is not how much money one has, but the content of one's soul that matters anyway?

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    Best Answer (Chosen by Voting):

    ladybug1234 - 46-50 years old - female
    Posted by ladybug1234 1 Jun 11th, 2009 at 12:33AM
    These people behave this way because they are actually compensating for what they know they lack. Putting down people is a way to boost their self-esteem.
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  1. MackieLouis - 46-50 years old - female
    Reply by MackieLouis Jul 31st, 2013 at 7:07PM
    I agree.
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17 Answers to "Why do some people think they are so much better than others?"

  1. wiseowl - 61-65 years old - female
    Posted by wiseowl Jun 7th, 2009 at 9:42PM
    you said it.. "people are brought up to believe". You had a positive message from your family. Perhaps even humble. Those snooty people may not have gotten that training. Good parenting pays off.
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  2. TouchMeNot - 41-45 years old - female
    Posted by TouchMeNot Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:00PM
    I have a sister like that. She won't even speak to my poorer siblings and she's not very nice to our sister-in-law. I try to help all my siblings and try to go the extra mile for them all on holidays but she won't even help clean up after family gatherings. She calls me the family maid because I clear the messes up as my parents are elderly and don't need to work so hard.

    I just figure she is missing out on the best God gave her in siblings. Her loss.
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  3. Greg862 - 41-45 years old - male
    Posted by Greg862 Jun 7th, 2009 at 7:47PM
    First of all, I'm glad to hear that you do not consider yourself to be snooty. Snooty never has a place in society. I too was raised to treat everyone equally. Everyone I meet receives a fair shake...a neutral ground/chalkboard, on which they are free to write or demonstrate something wonderful...or instead, to just make an *** out of themselves. I form my own opinions of someone...never predisposing myself to something someone ELSE tells me about them. Heck, that person and the other one might be worst enemies to each other but each could be a friend to me. One never knows. Anyone whom I treat in an unfriendly manner has gone out of their OWN WAY to make me feel that way about them. Everyone else has become a good friend.

    I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable at reunions. Fortunately for me, I come from a similar background but was lucky enough that (even though SOME treated me as the rich kid, so to speak), MOST discovered that I was quite the nice guy who was capable of accepting everyone, regardless of their parents' financial stature. KUDOS TO YOU for being as you are!

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  4. maryomaga3 - 46-50 years old - female
    Posted by maryomaga3 Jun 7th, 2009 at 7:47PM
    You sound like a smart person to not trust those that have tonted you when you were younger,,,and I love what you said about your soul being more important then money,,,I hope that you are surrounded by real Loving friends,,,Love and Light Mary
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  5. markmarx11 - 31-35 years old - male
    Reply by markmarx11 Sep 14th, 2013 at 11:13PM
    First of anybody should avoid someone who has taunted them or make fun of them. I experienced that when I was younger Second of all its not just about you better than someone it's about making better decisions are being smarter and enjoying it some enjoy it too much those are probably the snobs having a good soul does not help pay the bills
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  6. waitingforgodot - 56-60 years old
    Posted by waitingforgodot Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:00PM
    Some are raised that way and some from lack of self-esteem as a defense mechanism. I just stay away because I can't stand down to earth people who are really human.
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  7. glassingal - 56-60 years old
    Posted by glassingal Jun 8th, 2009 at 8:00PM
    I don't know exactly why people do that but I know what you mean.
    Is it that they are jealous or maybe insecure? Or maybe I am a patsy?
    I do know one gal who will rob you blind and laugh about it because she is "God's gift to the World". And, yeah, she got me, and seems to think it is funny.
    You will be alright, though, because you can be independent!
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  8. QuestionMarks - 41-45 years old - female
    Posted by QuestionMarks Jun 7th, 2009 at 6:58PM
    Because some people were born on third base but live their lives thinking they hit a home run.

    Sorry can't remember who said that.
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  9. InvisibleInsomniac - 16-17 years old - male
    Posted by InvisibleInsomniac Jun 7th, 2009 at 6:58PM
    People that think they're better than others are, in a lot of cases, spoiled. They just get whatever they want, so they think they can act however they want. They don't get taught by parents how to respect others.
    I also dislike people like this. It really bothers me. I would love to try to become friends with them, but because of them thinking they're so much better than me (which, admittedly, they usually are), they don't want to become friends.
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  10. Cheleanne - 66-70 years old - female
    Posted by Cheleanne Jun 7th, 2009 at 6:58PM
    You know what I think is really funny (ironic)? Some people think that I'M a snob!! How about that? I'm not a snob, just shy at first.

    Maybe they don't know how to react to you? I know that is my biggest problem. I don't know how to talk to people or react to them sometimes. And that makes people look at me differently and then they think I'm a snob..... maybe they have the same problem I do... ?

    Just a thought....
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  11. tiggytiggy - 61-65 years old - female
    Posted by tiggytiggy Aug 28th, 2013 at 6:35AM
    I never have been rich, growing up or since. I too am in my sixties. we have family that think they are better than us (on my side of the family) for a short while we had our own house with no mortgage & a share in a little business, then we had some bad luck, it was gone some family members were all over us up till that point & haven't bothered with us much since. they only contact ones that are up the ladder work or fiance wise.
    It hurts very much, I would never like or love any of my family less or more because of their job or wealth.
    I don't like to feel they look down on us, I know they do by their actions. Your right it is the contents of one's soul that's important. We try to be happy help people if we can, my husbands disabled but if some ones stuck he will take them shopping with us, or we have done their shopping for them, going out of our way. Yet never have any of them offered the same or any other help back when we have needed it.
    We have even saved hard & paid for a holiday caravan & let them come with us, but now they could do the same its not us they ask but the ones that can afford an holiday them selves & don't need help to have one. I don't think they are better than us, even if its what they think, I just envy them been able to do all the things they do, wkend breaks holidays 2 or 3 times a year, going to the theater, shows in London Scotland, sending us a postcard telling us to go we would enjoy it. when we can't even afford one holiday, perhaps if we had not been so helpful & trusting in the past we might be better off now. Yet i am glad we helped people wealthy of other wise...............hugs are more precious
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  12. HardWorkBringsRewards - 26-30 years old
    Posted by HardWorkBringsRewards Oct 21st, 2012 at 6:05AM
    I get called snobby or snooty sometimes. In my experience it is people with lower self-esteem who say that to me. I'm not actually doing anything other than being myself. I do things to the best of my ability and spend a lot of time working hard in all areas of my life. It causes people around me to be jealous of my achievements which they choose to ask me about. I never tell anyone anything without being asked, so it is not like I am rubbing their noses in it. They say I have been lucky, but I say to them that it is actually through hard work and perseverence. The truth is that their jealousy is fuelled by their own laziness and calling me a snob or snooty is their way of justifying to themselves their own inactivity and trying to drag me down to their level.
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  13. With4u2012 - 18-21 years old
    Posted by With4u2012 Oct 19th, 2012 at 11:01PM
    Some act stupid by judging others by making themselves feel better by treating them like **** even after high school and not a lot of others or your family are going too se how u feel. 11:00pm 10/19/2012
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  14. chimneycat - 61-65 years old
    Posted by chimneycat Feb 5th, 2012 at 6:20PM
    Why do some people like to low grade people,I have a boyfriend he thinks you knows it all and I am dumb as crab,because I do not cook that much ,he thinks I do not know how to cook,I live myself i have cooked forever,he is always telling you do not know this or that
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  15. pukirahe - 36-40 years old
    Posted by pukirahe Jun 10th, 2009 at 9:55PM
    Are you one?
    I don't bother: they will learn their lesson.
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  16. emotional - 31-35 years old
    Posted by emotional Jun 10th, 2009 at 7:51AM
    People change over time, they learn, grow, and mature. What you remember them to be, may not be what they are now. Has it ever occured to you that because of your age they may want to know you because they see a person who has probably lived life and have a lot life experience to share, a lot of wisdom under her belt and you would be a worthwhile person to know?

    Perhaps the only one defining you by your worldly posessions is you. Maybe trust that you are much more than your money. Thats All.
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  17. MackieLouis - 46-50 years old - female
    Reply by MackieLouis Jul 31st, 2013 at 7:10PM
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  18. sweetharmony - 46-50 years old
    Posted by sweetharmony Jun 9th, 2009 at 8:38PM
    snobby people are people who have Inflated egos and are Inferior to us! It's a defence mechanism.

    at the end of the day their sh-- doesn't smell any better tha our sh-- cheers.
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