14 October 2013

PEOPLE - You only had one job to do! Hilarious pictures of shoddy workmanship from around the world

You only had one job to do! Hilarious pictures of shoddy workmanship from around the world

  • - Examples include people painting around objects rather than move them
  • - Pictures show blocked cycle routes, impossible parking spaces and dangerous

It is the sort of shoddy workmanship that provokes fury and hilarity in equal measure.
Re-defining the phrase work-shy, these pictures show the lengths some people will go to in order to not finish a job properly. 

The collection includes examples of people painting around objects instead of moving them, not removing old signs and showing a total lack of common sense as they complete a task.

Not the brightest spark: A large hold was cut into this tree to make room for electricity cables
Not the brightest spark: A large hold was cut into this tree to make room for electricity cables

In a rush? Workers resurface the road around this parked Audi
In a rush? Workers resurface the road around this parked Audi

Barking mad: Workmen could not be bothered to move this branch so simply painted the white line around it
Barking mad: Workmen could not be bothered to move this branch so simply painted the white line around it

Not much fun: Children cannot ride on this roundabout built under a wall without getting a headache
Not much fun: Children cannot ride on this roundabout built under a wall without getting a headache

In one jaw-dropping example, workmen seemingly could not be bothered to move a fallen branch from the road - so simply painted a white line around it.

In another - more dubious example - workmen were clearly in a bit of a rush to finish painting their double yellow lines. 

    Two bollards are visible in the picture warning people not to park but that did not stop the 4X4 driver from leaving their car there.

    However, the unlucky driver was punished when the double yellow lines were painted directly over the bonnet and roof of the car.

    In another picture, lazy workmen could not be bothered to pick up an old stop sign when they replaced it with a new one.  

    Not thought through: A parking space is marked out but no one seems to have realised it is blocked by a tree
    Not thought through: A parking space is marked out but no one seems to have realised it is blocked by a tree

    Poor workmanship: Double yellow lines have been painted over a car parked in the way (left)
    and a tree obstructs this narrow path reserved for pedestrians and cyclists (right)
    Poor workmanship: Double yellow lines have been painted over a car parked in the way (left) and a tree obstructs this narrow path reserved for pedestrians and cyclists (right) 

    Not a help: A disability ramp leading to the door of a police station is obstructed by a handrail
    Not a help: A disability ramp leading to the door of a police station is obstructed by a handrail

    In one picture, workers are shown resurfacing a road around a parked car. The lack of common sense illustrated in the pictures can be breathtaking.

    In one, a parking space is marked out but no one has seemed to realise that entry to the space is completely blocked by a tree.

    Cyclists also have a raw deal when it comes to lazy workmanship.
    A cycle path has been diligently marked out but the route is blocked by steel bollards on one side.

    The height of stupidity: A balcony is built on the third storey but there is no door or window to access it
    The height of stupidity: A balcony is built on the third storey but there is no door or window to access it

    Blocked: The pavement has been built so it completely obstructs this door
    Blocked: The pavement has been built so it completely obstructs this door

    Road to nowhere: Cyclists will not get very far if they follow this sign into a row of steel bollards
    Road to nowhere: Cyclists will not get very far if they follow this sign into a row of steel bollards

    Double vision: A new stop sign may have been installed but someone forgot to take the old one away
    Double vision: A new stop sign may have been installed but someone forgot to take the old one away

    A huge tree also obstructs a narrow path reserved for pedestrians and cyclists.
    One of the most unbelievable examples is of a hole cut into a tree cut by jobsworths to make way for an electricity line.

    Some of the pictures show how dangerous sloppy work can be.

    A child's roundabout was built under a brick wall and in another picture a balcony was installed on the third storey of a building - but with no door or window to access it.

    Inelegant solution: Why refill the sanitizer dispenser when you can simply tape one on?
    Inelegant solution: Why refill the sanitizer dispenser when you can simply tape one on?

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