3 November 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 62 (03/11/2013)

611.  An artificial Christmas tree last up to six years in a home.

Women are four times more likely to have foot problems than men.

In 1783, the hot air balloon was invented in France.

There was an army general during the Liberia Civil War who used to lead his army into
         battle naked. His nickname was "General Butt Naked." Joshua Milton Blahyi (his real
         name) is now an evangelical preacher in Monrovia.

There are no two zebras who have stripes that are exactly the same.

The Angel Falls in Venezuela were named after an American pilot, Jimmy Angel, whose
         plane got stuck on top of the mountain while searching for gold.

Lake Ontario was originally named Lake St. Louis.

Actor John Travolta was offered the role of Billy Flynn many times for the movie
         "Chicago." Richard Gere ended up playing the role.

The Canadian province of New Brunswick had a bloodless war with the US state of
         Maine in 1839.

There are more than 2,400 flea species in the world.

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