30 November 2013

HR DEVELOPMENT - What is Training Needs Analysis?

What is Training Needs Analysis?
A Training Needs Analysis is an analysis of the training, learning and development needs of the staff, volunteers and trustees in an organisation. It considers the skills, knowledge and behaviours of the people in the organisation and how to develop them, both to deliver the organisation’s strategic objectives and support the individual’s career progression.
A Training Needs Analysis should ideally be taken at three levels:
·         Organisational
·         Team
·         Individual

These three levels are all inter-linked and following this model will make sure that your Training Needs Analysis captures the whole picture and balances the needs of the organisation with the interests of the individuals.
You can use a number of methods to carry out a Training Needs Analysis including:
·         Annual appraisals
·         Regular progress meetings
·         Online questionnaires
·         Interviews
·         Focus groups supported by an external facilitator

At the end of your Training Needs Analysis you should have a development and learning plan that is based on organisational, team and individual objectives.
The complete Training Needs Analysis toolkit (including appendices) will take you step by step through the process of conducting a Training Needs Analysis. You can download the report from this page or follow the links at the side for more information on the different stages.

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