4 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - About Manpower Planning

About Manpower Planning

by Kristie Lorette, Demand Media
Manpower planning is the process of reviewing an organization’s employee, or manpower, needs and then selecting the best people for certain jobs. The end goal of successful manpower planning is a smoothly running operation, and the long-term result of manpower planning is a company able to achieve its goals, because its employees fill the right places within the organization. Manpower planning typically falls under the human resources department and it's not something that occurs quickly. Instead, it is a process that requires careful analysis and consideration to achieve the desired outcome.
Step 1
Analyze each department within the company to determine its needs. Review the departments carefully and consider the current manpower situation within each, as well as the manpower goals that each has. It is impossible to forecast of future goals without first considering the current state. An effective manpower analysis will include details, such as the specific number of departments and the purposes of each and the number of employees within each department, with clear details about each employee’s role in that department.
Step 2
Complete manpower forecasts that take the company’s goals into account. Line the manpower needs up with the company objectives to create the most effective forecast. Of course, this is not so simple as just making a side-by-side chart. Human resources professionals compile extensive analyses that consider such elements as the opinions of other industry experts on manpower needs, long-term trend consideration for manpower changes, examinations of the work load in connection with projected changes, and, of course, budget requirements.
Step 3
Create training programs for current employees. Because manpower planning usually results in a shift of manpower activities, current employees will need training for any adjustments to their jobs. The training programs can be on-the-job experience or separate seminars that employees attend to help them embrace the changes.
Step 4
Create training programs for new employees. Any employees entering the company will also require training to take on their new positions, and because these positions might be recently created or adjusting to new changes in the organization, the human resources department will need to establish new-hire training. Effective training guarantees that employees understand their role and that the organization continues to run smoothly.

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