4 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - How to Counteract Negative Attitudes Toward Performance Appraisals

How to Counteract Negative Attitudes Toward Performance Appraisals

by Malik Sharrieff, Demand Media
Change the negative perception of performance appraisals.

No matter what business you own, run or manage, you will need to measure the performance of your employees. And, no matter the business, the one constant is that most of your employees will have negative attitudes toward performance appraisals. Because performance appraisals are necessary business operation, you will need to develop strategies and tactics to address your employees’ fears and negative attitudes regarding this management process.
Step 1
Change how employees view the performance appraisal. Employ image management tactics called “re-branding” to help change how the performance appraisal is perceived. For example, instead of terming it a performance appraisal, many businesses are renaming them “career path management sessions.” By simply changing what the process is called, you can change the feelings associated with the process.
Step 2
Train supervisory and management staff on the proper approach to giving a performance appraisal. Too often, supervisors reinforce a negative attitude toward performance appraisals because their approach is demeaning and harsh. Taking the lead from your re-branding effort in Step 1, encourage your employees who give appraisals to use them as tools to develop the skill sets of the employees, and improve productivity and profitability.
Step 3
Ensure that appraisers approach the appraisal meeting with a positive attitude. You will need to focus on the employees’ development with an eye toward promotion and performance based salary increases. These are primary concerns of employees and if they feel the performance appraisal is a means of addressing these concerns, you will have significantly reduced their negative impressions regarding the process.
Step 4
Offer measurable action steps designed to improve their position within the department and promote recognition within the company. Without over-promoting internal competition, encourage self improvement and personal development within the range of the employees’ position. Show the employee how they can take control of the evaluative process by self-monitoring and progress checks between appraisal sessions. When your staff feels more involved in the process, they will have a more positive attitude toward appraisals.
Step 5
Encourage employee participation. Solicit comments and suggestions regarding the process from employees. You may also implement 360-degree performance appraisals where the employees rate the managerial and supervisory staff. This way, employees feel more empowered and have an impression that the appraisal process is more balanced and even handed.

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