5 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - How to Deal With Insubordinate Staff

How to Deal With Insubordinate Staff

by Natalie Grace, Demand Media
Insubordinate behavior can negatively impact employee morale.

When an employee willfully disobeys a reasonable work order from his superior, his behavior generally is classified as insubordination. Further, an employee who uses abusive language toward his superior, such as name-calling or profanity, may be guilty of insubordination. As a small business owner, you may not have many employees. Still, it’s important to establish a company policy that addresses insubordination. When the situation arises, deal with the respective employee accordingly.
Step 1
Refrain from mirroring the employee’s behavior if she’s verbally abusive. Further, if an employee disobeys your direct order, do not display anger. As her superior, you must lead by example. Therefore, remain calm and tell the employee that you would like to speak with her in private.
Step 2
Rephrase an assignment as mandatory rather than a simple request. You cannot deem an employee as insubordinate if you merely asked him to do something instead of telling him. Your order must be direct; therefore, phrase it as such.
Step 3
Explain your view of the employee’s behavior to him and why you view it as insubordination. Choose your words carefully. For example, refrain from telling the employee that he has an “attitude problem,” which can be viewed as subjective or inflammatory. Instead, use words such as “conduct” or “behavior” when referring to unacceptable actions. Use tact rather than anger to get the employee to see your point. For example, ask him to put himself in your shoes and consider how he would feel if the situation were reversed. Your goal is to get the employee to recognize his behavior and change it.
Step 4
Remind the employee of what is expected of her and give her a copy of the company’s policy that shows the repercussions for not fulfilling those expectations. In addition, show her the consequences of insubordination, which may include a verbal warning, written documentation, unpaid suspension and termination.
Step 5
Give the employee a written warning if your verbal warning does not work. Clearly and objectively state in the written document exactly how the employee is guilty of insubordination. Include the time of day, the task you required him to do, his verbal and nonverbal reactions and whether other employees were present. Let the employee know that you expect him to refrain from such behavior in the future or he may be subject to further disciplinary actions.
Step 6
Place the employee on unpaid disciplinary suspension or terminate her if she continues to display insubordinate behavior.

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