4 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Manpower Assessment Techniques

Manpower Assessment Techniques

by Tara Duggan, Demand Media
Assess your staff to make sure you have the right manpower to run your business.

Assessing your manpower involves evaluating employee performance based on their achievement of specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely objectives. By defining consistent job descriptions and associated skills and competencies, you can assess your staff according to their job classification, performance level, job scope, self-control and style. Rating employees on a standard scale, such good, average or poor, allows you to tell how your staff performs in relationship to their peers and validates promotion, compensation or termination decisions. Use this information to predict performance as well as influence recruiting and hiring decisions you make to ensure your business functions effectively.
Step 1
Define your performance management process. Typically, this involves planning work and setting expectations for your staff, monitoring performance, providing development opportunities, rating employees and rewarding outstanding workers. Manpower assessment typically occurs annually although they can occur more frequently during initial or probationary periods. Ensure your process complies with legal regulations.
Step 2
Observe employees on the job to evaluate if they have achieved their defined goals. These should be objective, quantifiable and measurable. Employees should have the resources to meet these goals as demonstrated by indicators measuring the outcome of the work. For example, observe a member of staff conducting a sales transaction to determine if he completes the required steps to close the sale properly.
Step 3
Ask co-workers for input on the employee’s performance. Include customers or suppliers in the evaluation exercise if the employee interacts with those people. Solicit input by email or online anonymous questionnaire. Ask for a description of the work the employee does and how well he does the tasks assigned to him. Encourage reviewers to suggest areas of improvement so the employee can focus his development on the appropriate areas in the next review period. Input on performance areas such as team work, time management, listening skills and other professional skills can help the employee focus his development.
Step 4
Allow the employee to assess herself against the establish criteria and assign herself a rating. Encourage the employee to take on new challenging assignments and pursue career development opportunities in the next review period. Ensure that new assignments align with strategic goals.
Step 5
Tie employee assessment to balanced scorecard measurements. For example, determine what percentage of company sales a particular employee is responsible for and reward the employee accordingly. Reward other outcomes, such as patents obtained, papers published or certifications achieved. Similarly, deny advancement opportunities to those who do not achieve these results.

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