2 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - Qualities in a Supervisor That Enhance the Work of an Employee

Qualities in a Supervisor That Enhance the Work of an Employee

by Miranda Morley, Demand Media
Supervisors can enhance employees' work by giving individual feedback.

Supervisors aren't miracle workers. If they don't have competent teams of employees behind them, they probably won't be able to steer their units to success. However, supervisors do greatly impact the work of their employees. With a combination of desirable personal and professional qualities, supervisors can encourage their employees to do their best work and constantly strive to develop themselves professionally.
Relational supervisors enhance the work of their employees by being better able to communicate and encourage them. When supervisors take the time to build real relationships with their employees, they get to know their employees' strengths, weaknesses, learning styles and personality traits. Supervisors who have a strong bond with their employees can phrase directions and praise in ways that ensure a positive employee response. When employees feel valued, they will put greater effort into continuing to earn their supervisors' approval.
Change is an inevitable component of any organization. Organizations that want to grow and improve must change -- and their employees must change with them. Flexible supervisors can help employees learn to stay abreast of change and continuing to produce their best work amid changes. In addition, flexible supervisors are also better problem solvers, as they know that each problem is a unique situation that may call for a unique response. According to a survey distributed to the faculty of Cornell University, a good supervisor is one who "knows that if the unit is not changing, evolving, or improving, the unit is falling behind."
Humble and Ethical
Supervisors who expect their employees' trust must act humbly and ethically -- making honest business deals, apologizing for mistakes and being as transparent as possible about business dealings. Supervisors who act as if they are infallible will not earn their employees' trust because their employees know they are putting on a facade. Similarly, supervisors who do not conduct themselves ethically will not earn their employees' trust because their employees will not respect them. Supervisors who do not have their employees' trust will not be able to guide them through difficult situations -- employees will simply refuse to do their best work; they may even go above the supervisor with a complaint.
While character traits are certainly an important part of being a good supervisor, a supervisor who enhances the work of her employees must also be knowledgeable in her field. Without the knowledge to guide employees, answer questions or spark new innovations, supervisors will not be able to help employees produce their best work. Supervisors should be experts in their area, and they must be committed to increasing their knowledge through professional development.

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