4 November 2013

HR MANAGEMENT - What Is Performance Feedback?

What Is Performance Feedback?

by Dana Griffin, Demand Media
Regardless of whether you are a senior executive or just starting out, everyone wants to know how she is doing at her job. Feedback is an essential communication tool in business performance management. One of the most effective techniques is constructive feedback, but all feedback calls for giving and receiving information.
The performance feedback process is ongoing between managers and employees. The exchange of information involves both performance expected and performance exhibited. According to Indiana University Human Resources Service, “Constructive feedback can praise good performance or correct poor performance and should always be tied to the performance standards.” Getting the facts, then having a face-to-face conversation can provide direction to help solve performance problems.
Feedback goes beyond managers. It extends to co-employees and even customers. Encourage your employees to talk to management and report problems to resolve any issues. It is easier to motivate workers in an open culture of communication than if they are afraid to speak up.
Good performance management is pro-active. Do not wait until a situation gets out of hand before intervening. Make sure employees know that you are watching, and keep feedback frequent. Do not leave it at “no news is good news” unless you are sure there are not any problems. According to Business MP, “A responsible manager ought to be able to set up a schedule…and provide [employees] with constructive assistance.”
Employees expect their leaders and managers to keep information confidential. If you break that trust, it is difficult to build it back up and your employees will stop coming to you with problems. Avoid gossip or delegating, and confront any issues yourself, directly with the employees involved. If you stand by your convictions and your employees know they can trust you, they will have more respect for you.
Often, the best time for feedback happens during day-to-day business. It is important to be prepared for the conversation: do your homework and know the person to whom you are planning to speak. Practice what you are going to say, and use your knowledge to predict their responses and questions. Be sure to choose a private location and keep the conversation confidential. It is best to be prepared, so you might want to take notes with you. Do not be afraid to act immediately in a true emergency, but do not act too quickly if there is time to consider your response.
Successful Feedback
For feedback to have a positive outcome, it should be specific rather than general. Generalizations might help you gather information about what the staff is feeling, but it will not solve specific problems. It is important to focus on the behavior instead of the person and make sure you give feedback geared to help and not hurt. You will need to limit the information you give to what your employee can hear and process. If you overload a person, they tend to block you out just to simplify things. Be aware of the effects of your feedback and follow up on the situation to see what changes have been made.

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