4 November 2013

MANAGEMENT SKILLS - The Differences Between Business Planning & Corporate Planning

The Differences Between Business Planning & Corporate Planning

by Charmayne Smith, Demand Media
Planning is essential for business success.

Business success is dependent upon clear and decisive planning. Sure, strong sales and customer retention drive profit success. However, the increased sales and improved customer retention is a product of the business planning that occurs behind the scenes. Of the many types of planning that businesses use, business planning and corporate planning are the most common.
Business Planning
Business planning defines the strategies the business will use to meet its goals and missions. Business planning provides details on the business’ operations, products and services, and marketing strategies as it relates to the inclusive industry. This process expounds the operation strategies from short- and long-term views while focusing on the overall activity of the company. The business plan does not identify specific employee strategies but rather provides industry strategies.
Corporate Planning
Corporate planning defines the strategies that the employees will take to meet the business’ goals and missions. This type of planning, also known as strategic planning, focuses on staff responsibilities and procedures. As with business planning, strategic planning requires a close look at the company’s missions, strengths and weaknesses. However, corporate planning identifies the step-by-step process of the business, such as the actual steps the staff will take to counteract challenges, train employees and achieve accomplishments. Corporate planning also provides specific, measurable goals with realistic time lines.
Business planning and corporate planning are interdependent. Although business planning can exist without corporate planning, the goals of the business plan are much more attainable with corporate planning. As with business planning, the corporate plan can exist without a business plan. However, without business planning, the overall goals and missions of the business are not clear. Therefore, the corporate planning becomes incomplete.
There are many effects of business and corporate planning. Not only does the planning process help businesses to succeed, it helps businesses to determine when new directions and changes are needed. A close analysis can result in early recognition of potential issues and dangers, as well as help the company to quickly adapt to customer demand and needs.
Business and strategic plans should be reviewed periodically. The plans should be reviewed to compare the business’ current standpoints against those that were outlined in the plans. Adjustments should be made, if necessary, to align the business’ actual activities to the defined plans. When analyzing needed changes, consideration should be given to the industry’s environment and trends, as well as the economy’s stability, customer demand and business needs. The balancing of the business and strategic plans should outline the moves or changes that the business will strive to implement and framework the strategies that the employees will use to meet the business’ missions and goals.

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