4 November 2013

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - What Is a Workplace Example Using Consequence Ethics?

What Is a Workplace Example Using Consequence Ethics?

by Alyson Paige, Demand Media
Consequence ethics is a philosophical approach to morality by which the results of an action determine the potential good of the action. Consequence ethics suggests weighing the consequences of choices and selecting actions likely to result in a good or the best effect. When a business practices consequence ethics, the company determines to act for the good of the greatest number of people. Consequence ethics can play a role in workplace ethical situations like respect for diversity.
Discrimination in the Workplace
Federal law protects employees against different forms of discrimination in the workplace. Companies often include discrimination policies into employee handbooks. In keeping with the goal of consequence ethics, zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination against employees protects individuals while promoting the greater good of the workplace community.
When an organization develops policies that value employees and upholds those policies, employees act for the greater good of the company. Employees who feel respected and valued at work, respond ethically. The business owner makes an ethical policy that serves the good of his employees and the good of the company. The company’s ethical choice for employee dignity underlies respect for diverse cultures and personalities. How the company handles legitimate discrimination cases -- e.g., termination or suspension -- exhibits the company’s imposed consequences to preserve the greater good of the workplace.
A company’s policy regarding workplace discrimination displays the moral principles the organization supports. Ethical principles that influence respect for employee dignity in the workplace include doing no harm, supporting and helping people, and justice, which promotes fairness for all workers.
Individuals enjoy legally protected freedom of speech to speak out against racial, gender or other groups and individuals in situations other than workplaces. Federal law prohibits discriminatory speech and behavior at work. Anti-discrimination in the workplace orients company policy toward the good of the community of employees at the expense of an individual’s freedom to express discriminatory opinions.

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