29 November 2013

PARENTING - 10 Bad Effects that can happen when you force your children to Study

Article by lakshay malhotra

On every bend, around every corner, new dreams and new desires to achieve something, sprouts up in every person.  The passion that blasts dynamically in ones soul creates a make belief world around a person. Their ambition to full fill dreams is the only main thing they looks forward to. On their way, they accept all the failures, they over comes them and all they need is an emotional support from the loved ones. Ever thought what will happen if their loved ones stand in the way, become an obstacle and try to divert that person to a new destination?!
Well, here are the top 10 effects of forcing someone to study what he does not like.
10. Suicide
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. It is often committed out of despair, the cause of which is frequently a mental disorder like depression.  Being pressured from all the sides especially from loved ones like parents, people develop suicidal tendencies. It is likely to be the first thing one usually thinks of when s/he gets a shock in their life. It’s like they feel totally frustrated with the way people are handling them and forcing them to do something. S/he might feel like a puppet.
To prevent suicidal tendencies, there are 3 methods:
  • Interventions
  • Psychological treatments
  • Confidence and Personality development workshops.
9. Mental fitness
mental fitness

It can be defined as a state of mind. Being pressured and studying the he subjects a person does not like, they are subjected to lose interest in studies and in career. Feelings like depression, aggression and irritation develop.
Also, since there is lot of pressure on the person from his/her home, to get good grades, no doubt s/he may even step in wrong direction. This involves the use of alcohol or performance boosting drugs.
Few tips to improve mental state are:
  • Exercise every day.
  • Read often and read widely.
  • Challenge your intellect and memory with puzzles like Sudoku or crossword.
  • Take quality time to relax frequently.
  • Take up a new hobby.
  • Manage your health.
  • Engage in stimulating conversations and divert your mind.
  • Take up a manual activity or craft.
  • Exercise your brain with fun tasks.
8. Failure
A situation of failure can be different for different people. Some take is a moral boosting even where as for some people it is a shocking moment or an end of their lives. Such people posses an unstable mental state makes a person concentrate less on their chores and think about their problems more.  Leading to alcohol and drugs and just partying, a person lose their ability to concentrate and they then fail in their respective tasks.
To prevent this:
  • Meditate
  • Try to establish faith and confidence in yourself
  • Stick a poster in front of you, where you sit, saying “YOU CAN DO IT”
  • Read motivating stuff.
7. Depression
It is a state of low mood that affects a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. They lose interest in activities that once were interesting. They also experience loss of appetite or overeating. They have problems in concentrating and making decisions, and may suicide.
Being failed in career, life or anything one tries, the person can go into a state of depression.
To prevent or escape the state of depression,
  • Join a physiotherapy course
  • Some medications also help but at cost of some side effects
  • Many medical devices have also been developed which use some rays to play around with your brain and make you feel relaxed.
  • Join music therapy
  • Do yoga
  • Get acupuncture
  • Try reiki.
6. Aggression
It is an intension to cause harm or act intended to increase social dominance. In this state, the person gets angry and can hurt himself or anyone else.
Being failed in life, the depressed may choose a wrong path of alcohol and lose his consciousness, gets angry and can harm other people. Later at some stages, this I what often leads to domestic violence.
Though anti – aggression drugs were tried, the outcomes weren’t successful. So the treatment for this lasts in one’s own hands.
  • Join a physiotherapy course
  • Join music therapy
  • Do yoga
  • Get acupuncture
  • Meditate
  • Try to establish faith and confidence in yourself
  • Stick a poster in front of you, where you sit, saying “YOU CAN DO IT”
  • Read motivating stuff.
  • Do physical exercises and deep breathing.
5. Irritation
It is somewhat similar to frustration. Being failed in life, the person always remains irritated. Their irritation dominates their social life and so their concentration. It is an unpredictable state of mind where no one can actually judge that what will be the person’s next move. Usually such people tend to do stuff they themselves don’t know that why they are doing.
No such treatment is there. All you can do is try to make the person happy and raise his self esteem.
4. Struggle
Out of 10 such people there are at least 2 or 3 that prefer to struggle for their dreams even their loved ones are against them. Out of the remaining 7-8 people, there is at least 1 person that creates a new path towards his/her dreams but through the way others want. This is called struggling. That person struggles out his/her way.
S/he prevents depression, loss of confidence and maintains a stable state of mind. Following methods should be adapted to be optimistic always:
  • Do yoga
  • Meditate
  • Try to establish faith and confidence in yourself
  • Stick a poster in front of you, where you sit, saying “YOU CAN DO IT”
  • Read motivating stuff.
  • Do physical exercises and deep breathing.
3. Loss of faith
When a person comes to know that his/her loved ones don’t want them to study what s/he loves to study, s/he feels confused initially. But at a later stage either the person ignores them or goes into an unstable mental state. S/he might go into depression but the person loses his/her faith in his/er loved ones. The bond weakens and the trust slowly breaks down. The person stays in an irritated mental state socially as well as personally. To prevent this situation:
  • Try to understand that according to them they trying to do what is best for you
  • They care for you
  • Keeping these 2 things in mid, MEDITATE 10 minutes daily.
2. Low self esteem
It is a term used for a person’s overall emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. It is like that the mind set has been created in such a way that the person feel as if what the society is saying and what your loved ones are saying about is all true..
One could have a low self esteem depending on factor like:
  • Ups and downs in his personal life
  • Ups and downs in his career
  • Relationship problem
  • Failed tasks
  • The most important, his loved ones are against him.
Cure to low self esteem is very simple:
  • Do yoga
  • Meditate
  • Try to establish faith and confidence in yourself
  • Stick a poster in front of you, where you sit, saying “YOU CAN DO IT”
  • Read motivating stuff.
  • Do physical exercises and deep breathing.
  • Challenge your intellect and memory with puzzles like Sudoku or crossword.
1. Confusion
Most of such people go lost in confusion and they have no idea what to do. No depression or aggression or irritation. They just become numb and confused and keep on thinking what to do.
Confusion is the worst state of mind which takes a lot of hard work if you want to get out of it.
Out of every 10 such people, at least 4-5 are the confused ones.
For such people:
  • Do consider going to a psychiatrist for help
  • Consider a career counselling as well
  • Keep your mind free from pressure.
  • Do meditation
  • Morning exercise would help in decreasing a little load on your brain

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