23 December 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 112 (23/12/2013)

1111.            In 75% of American households, women manage the money and pay the bills.

1112.            In a year, an average person uses the toilet 2500 times a year.

1113.            A honey bee has four wings.

1114.            The Bank of America was originally called the Bank of Italy until the founder,
   Amedeo Giannini, changed the name in 1930.

1115.            Other than London, Liverpool is the most filmed British city, and was used to film
   more than 140 films in 2002.

1116.            The body of the average baby is 75% water.

1117.            A Chinese Scientist discovered that the Earth is round during the Han Dynasty by
   measuring the sun and moon's path in the sky. He recorded this fact down in the
   imperial records but went unnoticed until it was unearthed recently but Chinese

1118.            Each year, Americans throw away 25 trillion Styrofoam cups.

1119.            There are more than 2,000 different varieties of cheese in the world.

1120.           On average, Guinness sells 7 million glasses of beer a day.

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