27 December 2013

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 116 (27/12/2013)

1151.            Each year the Pentagon estimates their computer network is hacked about
     250,000 times annually.

1152.            The first president to ride in an airplane was Franklin Roosevelt.

1153.            The airplane Buddy Holly died in was the "American Pie." (Thus the name of the
     Don McLean song.)

1154.            A tree in metropolitan area will survive for approximately eight years.

1155.            The only flying saucer launch pad in the world is located in St. Paul, Alberta,

1156.            The sex of a baby crocodile is determined by the temperature in the nest and how
     deeply the eggs are buried.

1157.            Polar bears are left handed.

1158.            Food can only be tasted if it is mixed with saliva.

1159.            Walter Hunt patented the safety pin in 1849. He later sold the patent rights for only

1160.          The coliseum in Rome was used regularly for about 400 years.

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