19 December 2013

PEOPLE - 10 Things Old People can Teach you

Article by pujitha reddy

Older people can serve as role models for the younger generation if only the young people can see the wisdom and knowledge the elderly possess. These are the people who can put us in the right path as they know about life more than we do. The phase we are going through now has already been crossed by them and they can guide us to success. But they are not getting the attention they deserve as people are overlooking the importance of old people to the society. Possibly we should recognize and celebrate their sophistication and foresight! It is in our hands to make use of the insight they are providing. Here are some of the things that old people can teach you
10. Cooking
10. Cooking
Often we talk greatly about the recipes of our grandmothers! The best part of the visit to your grandparents’ would be the dishes grandma makes for you. There is nothing like the food prepared by your grandmother as it will taste like home. Not even the junk food you eat outside can stop you from liking grandma’s dishes more. And no one can help you more than your grandmother when it comes to learning how to cook. You will be surprised to know that your family has many secret recipes and even get a chance to know them if you hangout long enough at your grandparents’ place! You can even get to know about recipes that are being forgotten with time.
9. Life Stories
9. Life Stories
Old people might have encountered some amazing incidents in their journey of life. They can share their life stories and give you an insight of lifestyle in their time. You will be quite amazed if you know about their childhood stories. Life stories of elderly people can even be very helpful to know why things are the way they are in the present time. It is very interesting to know about their adventures and the places they travelled to. Traveling was a lot different in their time compared to now. You can find out how the world used to be from their stories! These are the only true stories you can get to know in your life. Not even movies can give you the real picture of their time! Also you can know about the story of your family from your grandparents only!
8. Morals
8. Morals
Grandparents always try to educate their grandchildren about the moral values. They put lot of effort to instill moral conscience into you. They tend to correct your moral imperfections and make a good citizen out of you. The present generation is so fast paced and forgetting the importance of having some ethics in life. It is the elderly people who teach them the value of morality. It is more worthy to listen to the opinion of elderly people on the current moral issues than watch the news!
7. Dealing with the Loss of Loved Person
7. Dealing with the Loss of Loved Person
This is one of the very important things you can learn from older people as they have dealt with so many losses along their life journey. When you lose a person whom you love so much you will grieve because of your inability to face the reality of life. Old people would have faced these kinds of situations so many times throughout their life and figured out how to deal with it. They can advice you on how to cope up with the loss and move on in life. They have watched their loved ones die and they still keep going. You can learn a lot from this steadfast spirit of the old people.
6. To Learn from their Wisdom and Experience
6. To Learn from their Wisdom and Experience
Most of you fail to acknowledge the wisdom of old people but the truth is they are more wise and experienced than you are. Unlike the young people who take hasty decisions, they think of every aspect before jumping to conclusions and taking a decision. Having lived many years they gain lot of experience and remember that experience is always the best teacher. They can give very valuable advice from the experiences in their life. They will tell you about what you have to do in a situation rather than what other person should be doing which is very wise. They can help you out of complicated situations with their knowledge and experience. Old people have grown doing many mistakes and facing the consequences of their mistakes. They can teach you how to avoid these mistakes that they did. There is a lot to learn from their experience and wisdom!
5. Acceptance
5. Acceptance
Old people are better at accepting the hard situations and disappointments in life. They know that life must go on despite all these problems. This is the reason they stay happy in old age. They can surely help you to gain the ability to accept whatever comes in life and make you realize that the real key for happiness is to accept life the way it is! And with acceptance comes peace. Old people can change your perspective and help you to cultivate acceptance. They inspire you to adapt to the mishaps that come along with life.
4. How to Deal with People
4. How to Deal with People
Have you ever had any problem getting along with difficult people? You can’t just let such people get under your skin! Older people can definitely help you in this case as they know a lot about behavior and manners than our generation does. They are so experienced in the matter of people as they have seen different kinds of people in their long life. It is very important to deal with different people effectively for a successful life. Older people can help you to acquire this skill and teach you how to interact with impossible people. You can handle all problematic relationships in your life and learn the right behavior if you could get guidance from old aged people.
3. To Avoid Regrets
3. To Avoid Regrets
The common thing most older people suggest is not to be the person who lives with regrets. They may be regretting for not doing things they wished to when they had the chance. So they don’t want you to grow old with regrets and give you the confidence to follow your dreams. The elderly know that tomorrow will vanish soon enough and that young people are unsuccessful in realizing it. They show from their example that time once lost cannot be regained. They motivate the younger people to avoid regrets and surrender to the decisions of their heart!
2. Life Planning and the Priorities
2. Life Planning and the Priorities
You will feel the need of the senior citizens to help you to clearly prioritize what is most important in life. They guide you in planning your life properly from your financial issues and job offers to marriage and family. They have already faced the things which you are going through now and have attained so much knowledge about them with age. So it is better to seek advice from those who have the knowledge! Ask your grandparents to help you out to plan your life and they will readily give you great guidance!
1. Family Values
1. Family Values
Probably the most important thing you will learn from your grandparents. The bonding time you spend with your grandparents will teach you the value of a family and what your responsibilities are for your family. You learn about the values like respect, forgiveness and honesty. You will know about your family traditions from elderly people only. The family values you learn from them help to solidify your family bonds so that you have some place to fall when life doesn’t go as planned! Only your grandparents can teach you the importance of family values and it is your duty to know how to make your family ties and cherish your relationships.

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