9 December 2013

PRESENTATION SKILL - Managing A Presentation Event

The practicalities of how you manage your presentation event can make a significant difference to its success, and to your nerves!
This page is part of our step-by-step guide to Presentation Skills, if you have not already done so then we recommend that you start by reading 'What is a Presentation' and follow the articles through to provide you with essential information on planning and preparing your presentation.
This page highlights some ways that you can manage the actual event when you give your presentation.


If the chairs are free standing, the seating can be arranged according to the size of the room and number of people expected.
It is important to arrange seating so that everyone can see and hear you and there are no obstacles to the visual aids you are using. If you're using PowerPoint or a projector, generally, then try to make sure that even the seats towards the back can see the full screen. Often, towards the back of an audience, the bottom third of a screen can be obstructed by the people in front.
Ask for seating to be arranged as you would like.  Sometimes there will be no control of the seating layout of the space where you will speak.

Final Preparation

Arrive in plenty of time since being late will increase your stress levels.  If the room or hall is available before the audience arrives, check:
  • The seating is suitable.
  • The supply and location of electric sockets and light switches.
  • Equipment and visual aids are working.
  • The microphone, if one is being used. 
  • The lectern or a table is suitable for your notes.
  • If following a previous speaker, be prepared to set up any visuals before you begin your presentation.
If possible, plan a spare five minutes before the presentation starts to quickly review your notes and calm your nerves.

Coping with Nerves

It is essential to always be well prepared and well rehearsed in order to feel more confident. 
Feeling nervous before a presentation is entirely natural, see our page Dealing With Presentation Nerves for some tips and reassurance.

Creating Rapport

If the presentation is a formal or semi-formal occasion, someone may introduce you.  Take your time to get into position, make eye contact with the audience and remember to smile.  If introduced, always acknowledge the introduction with thanks. 
Unless it is a very small group or very informal occasion, always stand to give a presentation or talk.  Remember to keep your head up and maintain eye contact with the audience throughout. Be alert to the audience mood and reaction. 
Maintaining interest throughout depends not only on the content but how the talk is delivered vocally.
Remember that the following aspects of voice control are important:
  • Volume  -  to be heard
  • Clarity  -  to be understood
  • Variety  -  to add interest
Do not speak too fast and remember to pause occasionally to let the audience assimilate the information. 
Use easily comprehensible language and try to avoid clichés and jargon.  If you are sincere and enthusiastic you will quickly develop a rapport with the audience.
You may also find our page: Building Rapport useful for some general tips on how to build rapport with other people.

Body Language

Beware of the following bad habits that may let you down when you are nervous:

  • Whilst speaking, try to keep a tall, relaxed, open stance without hanging onto a table or lectern or trying to hide behind it.  If using cue cards, do not wave them around but keep them in one hand while gesturing with the other.
  • Avoid putting your hands in your pockets as usually you will start to fiddle with the contents, and this will be distracting to the audience.
  • Try not to hop from one foot to the other or rock backwards and forwards on the balls of your feet. Try not to pace up and down although some movement may be useful to keep audience attention.
  • Do not stare fixedly at one person in the room or pretend the audience is not there and talk to the ceiling or the floor.
  • Do not fiddle with pens, buttons, jewellery, a tie or your hair.

Source: SkillsYouNeed.com

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