2 January 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 121 (01/01/2014)

1201.            The longest game of Monopoly played underwater is 45 days.

1202.            In WWII, when allied armies reached the Rhine River the first thing men did was
    pee in it. This was pretty universal from the lowest private to Winston Churchill
    (who made a big show of it). Gen. Patton had himself photographed in the act.

1203.            Peaches were once known as Persian apples.

1204.            Dustin Phillips of the U.S. has the record for ketchup drinking. He drank a 14-ounce
    bottle of tomato ketchup through a ? inch straw in 33 seconds on September 23,

1205.            Ninety-five percent of tropical fish sold in North America originate from Florida.

1206.            The blackberry bush is also called the "bramble."

1207.            The city of Tokyo was originally called Edo.

1208.            The sun shrinks five feet every hour.

1209.            There have been 191 coops in Bolivia since it became a sovereign country in

1210.         During World War II, Kit Kat was unavailable due to milk shortages, so the chocolate
    bar was made without milk.

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