14 January 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 133 (13/01/2014)

1321.            The three wealthiest families in the world have more assets than the combined
    wealth of the forty-eight poorest nations.

1322.            Huge Moore, the inventor of Dixie cups got the idea for the name from a
    neighboring factory, the Dixie Doll Company.

1323.            The turkey was once nominated to be the official bird of the United States.

1324.            In 1958 the United States sent three mice into space named, Mia, Laska and Benji.

1325.            On average, Americans spend five times more of their time in their cars than they
    do on vacation.

1326.            Natural gas does not have any odor. In order to detect a gas leak, some gas
    companies add a chemical that smells similar like rotten eggs.

1327.            Spiders have claws at the ends of their legs.

1328.            Warner Brothers Corset Company created the bra cup sizing system, which is now
    used universally used by manufacturers.

1329.            In the U.S. 7 out of 10 homes use candles.

1330.            Daytime dramas are called Soap Operas because they were originally used to
    advertise soap powder. In America in the early days of TV, advertisers would write
    stories around the use of their soap powder.

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