25 January 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 138 (18/01/2014)

1371.            It takes eight and a half minutes for light to get from the sun to earth.

1372.            Olives, which grow on trees, were first cultivated 5,000 years ago in Syria.

1373.            A person infected with the SARS virus, has a 95-98% chance of recovery.

1374.            When explorers first arrived in Venezuela, they were reminded of Venice. They
    named the country "Little Venice", which translated into Spanish is Venezuela.

1375.            Mr. Rogers is an ordained minister.

1376.            Between 12%-15% of the population is left-handed.

1377.            When a polar bear cub is born, it can not see or hear. It takes approximately a
    month for the cub to start to see and hear.

1378.            Girls have more taste bud than boys.

1379.            Dandelion root can be roasted and ground as a coffee substitute.

1380.            Platypuses mate in the water.

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