9 January 2014

MANAGEMENT - Are you a gruff boss?

by Vichitra Robinson

Managing employees can be a knotty tasks at times specially the ones who are under performing and disruptive.
But this is not just one side affair. It will be unfair to say that workplace issues are always because of difficult, non – performing employees. How we treat our employees have an impact on how they behave at work?
Have you ever riddled one of your employees in front of their co-workers? Do you ignore staff issues just because you are too busy with work? Do you ever make the underperformers feel that they are non-competent compared to others?
If yes, then this is a sure way to decrease the employee’s morale and productivity.
It is imperative to find out; do you have bad boss characteristics?
Here are few indicators to check the irrational attitude of manager.
§  Do you have difficulty in discussing goals with your staff?
§  Are you least interested in knowing the challenges your employees face at
§  Do you fail to explain your staff what is expected of them? (This helps them to focus and achieve goals)
§  Are you rude and brusque with your employees?
§  Do you ignore to appreciate your employee’s accomplishments?
§  How do you treat employee – employee relations? Do you want them to be aggressive against each other in the interest of reaching organizational goals?

If any of the above and such like, applies to you and symbolises the way you deal with your staff then you fall under “Bad Boss” category.
Managing employees doesn’t require you to be just the provider of the work, rather a good manager should be more like a coach or a tutor and even he needs to act as a counsellor to his staff.
How we interact with our staff has a direct impact on employee’s performance, employee’s motivation and their job satisfaction. Employee’s morale and productivity increases with “Good boss behaviour and characteristics”.
So if you want to be successful as a supervisor or manager, you need to learn to finesse your staff’s skills and seek organizational growth with a change in your management style.
Think wisely and profoundly, how you can get off such label, if any. No manager wants to be tagged as awful boss, isn’t it?

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