11 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 161 (10/02/2014)

1601.            The word "America" comes from the European explorer "Amerigo Vespucci.

1602.            Over 100 million birds die annually by crashing into glass windows in the United

1603.            Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb was afraid of the dark.

1604.            In 1933, Mickey Mouse is believed to have received 800,000 fan letters.

1605.            Male rabbits are called "bucks," females are "does."

1606.            It took eleven years to built the Taj Mahal, (1632-1643).

1607.            Mangos are known throughout the world as the "King of Fruits."

1608.            The temperature of milk when it is coming out of a cow is about 36 degrees

1609.            Wild Flamingos are pink because they consume vast quantities of algae and brine
1610.            The word "diastema" is the word for having a gap between your teeth.

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