11 February 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 159 (08/02/2014)

1581.            Fried spiders taste like nuts.

1582.            In one day, adult lungs move about 10,000 litres of air.

1583.            Cows do not have any upper front teeth. Instead they have a thick pad on the top

1584.            On average, Americans move to a new place eleven times in their lifetime.

1585.            Energy is being wasted if a toaster is left plugged in after use.

1586.            The Golden Gate Bridge was first opened in 1937.

1587.            No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange,silver or purple.

1588.            In an episode of the 1962 cartoon The Jestons, Jane Jetson is talking through a
    video phone. The phone number of The Jetsons was VENUS-1234.

1589.            Trees that are near street lights do not shed their leaves as fast as a tree that is in
    the country.
1590.            No president of the United States was an only child.

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