10 March 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 185 (06/03/2014)

1841.            The football team Green Bay Packers comes from a meat packing company called
    Acme Packing.

1842.            Unlike a frog a toad cannot jump.

1843.            The average weight of a newborn baby is 7 lbs. 6 oz. For a triplet baby it is 3 lbs.
    12 oz.

1844.            Baseball was the first sport to be pictured on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

1845.            A group of tigers is called a streak.

1846.            Hippos drink as much as 250 litres of water in any given 24 hour period.

1847.            850 peanuts are needed to make an 18 oz. jar of peanut butter.

1848.            The Beatles have sold more records than anyone else with over a billion worldwide.

1849.            After the "Popeye" comic strip was launched in 1931, spinach consumption went
    up by thirty-three percent in the United States.

    1850.      The largest type of penguin is the Emperor Penguin which can stand to be almost
                    3.5 feet tall and weigh more than 90 pounds.

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