17 March 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 195 (16/03/2014)

1941.            Obsessive nose picking is referred to as rhinotillexomania.

1942.            The spider used in the 2002 movie Spider-Man was a Steatoda spider, not a black
     widow. The spider was given anaesthesia, and was then painted blue and red.

1943.            The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt
    blood 30 feet.

1944.            In ancient Greece, throwing an apple to a girl was a way to propose for marriage..
    If the girl caught it, that would mean she accepts.

1945.            Donkeys can live between 30 to 50 years in captivity.

1946.            In the United States, approximately 25,000 eye injuries occur that result in the
    person becoming totally blind.

1947.            Australian Graham Barker extracted his own belly button fluff every day for 18 years
    acquiring a record-breaking amount of fluff. He hopes to accumulate enough fluff to
    stuff a pillow.

1948.            Every year, surgical tools are left in approximately 1,500 patients in the USA. Fatter
    patients are more prone to having a surgical tool left inside of them due to the
    additional amount of space in their bodies.bp.

1949.            Medical reports show that about 18% of the population are prone to sleepwalking.

1950.            In Ancient Egypt, cats were often buried with their masters, or in a special cemetary
    for cats.

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