7 April 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 217 (07/04/2014)

2161.            The Chinese typically eat as a family. Chopsticks ("pick up small pieces") are used
    because they give one a longer reach. They are hygienic, efficient, and well
    designed to allow diners to pluck tiny delicacies from large serving platters.

2162.            In early England, a traditional Christmas dinner included the head of a pig prepared
    with mustard.

2163.            It is illegal to be a prostitute in Siena, Italy, if your name is Mary.

2164.            The Amayra guides of Bolivia are said to be able to keep pace with a trotting horse
    for a distance of 100 kilometres.

2165.            Q-tips were invented by Polish-born Leo Gerstenzang. The Q stands for Quality.

2166.            During New years, in Spain, at 12:00, spaniards will try to eat 12 grapes before the
    colck sops chiming.

2167.            The authorities do not allow tourists to take pictures of Pygmies in Zambia.

2168.            Sokushinbutsu were Buddhist monks or priests who allegedly caused their own
    deaths in a way that resulted in their being mummified. This practice reportedly
    took place almost exclusively in northern Japan around the Yamagata Prefecture.

2169.            Karate first started in India and spread to China before reaching Japan in the

2170.            Before it was stopped by the British, it was the not uncommon for women in some
    area's of India to choose to be burnt alive on their husband's funeral pyre.

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