9 April 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 219 (09/04/2014)

2191.            Children in Vietnam may be named as in order of birth. The first born may be
    named Ca (big/biggest), and the second Hai (number two) Ba (number three) and
    so on.

2192.            According to tradition, passengers of the train passing over the Jamuna river in
    India, should give tribute to the river by throwing coins in it.

2193.            In Ancient Peru, when a woman found an 'ugly' potato, it was the custom for her to
    push it into the face of the nearest man.

2194.            In China, eggs represent fertility. A charming custom is giving hard-boiled eggs,
    dyed red, to show happiness as birth announcements.

2195.            Coffee is the second largest item of international commerce in the world. The
    largest is oil.

2196.            There are over 200 religious denominations in the United States.

2197.            In India, a jug and the left palm take the place of toilet paper, while in Indonesia,
    one might grow a long fingernail on the left hand for this purpose. Perhaps that is
    why bowing is a customary greeting in many Asian countries instead of the

2198.            The biggest Hershey's Kiss ever made weighted 400 pounds. It was a promotion
    to introduce the people of Hong Kong to Hershey products.

2199.            In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman's genitals, but is prohibited
    from looking directly at them during the examination. He may only see their
    reflection in a mirror.

2200.            Chinese families often have nicknames for members at home such as Bo (cow),
    Tho (rabbit) and Gau (bear) so that evil spirits are not attracted to the child.

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