30 April 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 240 (30/04/2014)

2391.            The Boeing 737 is nicknamed the Fat Albert.

2392.            Florida has twice as many lightning injuries and deaths than any other state.

2393.            Chocolate can be fatal to dogs. Chocolate contains a chemical the obromine,
    which is poisonous to dogs.

2394.            In China, there is a species of yam that is used to make a dye.

2395.            Annually, approximately 46 millions Cokes, five million pounds of french fries,
    and seven million hamburgers are consumed at Walt Disney World Resort.

2396.            The Chihuahua Desert is the largest desert in North America, and is over
    200,000 square miles.

2397.            Every continent begins and ends in the same letter. e.g. Africa, Europe.

2398.            Baseball games between college teams have been played since the Civil War.

2399.            The real name of actress Whoopi Goldberg is Caryn Elaine Johnson.

2400.            Researches have discovered that eating five or more apples a week is linked
    to better functioning of the lungs.

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