18 April 2014

HEALTHY EATING - 5 Foods That Have More Sodium Than a Bag of Chips

You'll be shocked to discover which otherwise good-for-you foods are loaded with salt

Your body needs sodium—but there's no denying that most of us are getting way too much of it. According to recent stats from the American Heart Association, the average daily sodium intake in this country is 3,600 milligrams—more than double the Association's recommendation of 1,500 milligrams max. But avoiding clear offenders like salted nuts and potato chips may not be enough to bring you down into the recommended range since there are so many sneaky salt bombs out there. Just look at these seemingly healthful foods—they all contain more than 255 milligrams of sodium, which is the amount you'll find in a 1 ½-ounce bag of Lays Classic Potato Chips:
1/2 Cup Nonfat Cottage Cheese
This packs a surprising 270 milligrams of sodium—and if you're not careful, it's easy to eat more than ½ cup and really overdo it with the salty stuff.

A 6 1/2" Whole-Wheat Pita 
Pitas come with a health halo—especially when they're whole-wheat—and they can be a good source of fiber. But they also come with a heavy dose of sodium: 284 milligrams in just one pocket.

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