16 April 2014

PEOPLE - 10 Bad Qualities That Children Learn In School

Article by nisha dey

School is like a second home to the children where they spend half of the days, half of their growing up stage of life. Where home teaches them of the moral values, cultures, etiquettes of the society; school shapes them in a more civilized and globalized form while gaining knowledge through books. This “temple of learning” can be boring and mundane, but if valued, is the only way  to make their mark in the society. It’s like a ball room, where children of different kinds- black- white, fat-trim, small-tall, beauty-ugly,- all gather up with the motive of being educated instead of dancing and having a fun time. You learn about punctuality, boundations, limitations, discipline and everything else which are needed to grow up as a perfect social animal. In school you learn what you see, what you are shown and what others want you to be shown up as. But it is not always that the children learn the best things which they are taught, they also somehow get attracted to the bad ones!!
10. Mug up
No one would disagree the fact that children in school believe that mugging up and memorizing words, sentences, pages and whole of a book is the only way to get better marks. The most important thing is to understand what you are learning which the school is not much bothered about. Mugging up has a disadvantage, if one word is missed out or can’t be recalled, then one fails to remember all of it and goes blank. The target is only to score good, because of the pressure and mugging up is the easiest way considered. To an extent, it may be helpful but the fact is that it cannot develop the base and fails strengthening the power of thinking.  The more you understand, the more you learn and the longer it stays in your memory. But it’s like better marks and better appreciation!!
9. Bookworm
Because of peer pressure and over burdening of class works, home works, assignments, projects, unit tests, yearly examinations or surprise tests, children become book worms and are only concerned about getting done with their syllabus. The other activities like reading the everyday newspaper, interest for educative magazines or making a habit of reading story books- which are equally important for learning and polishing vocabularies, children either often ignore these or simply are left with no time. Some other may even choose to be tagged as “book-worm”, to stand out academically perfect and ignore indulging themselves in other outdoor or co-curricular activities. Being a book-worm is good but remaining confined only to the pages of text book may seriously turn you into a “bore-warm”.

8. Abusing
It is not only verbally that children learn to abuse (this is what they learn and not what the school teaches) , sometimes their actions like hitting or getting indulged in fights, going aggressive and using abusive languages are what have become very common amongst the children. They see other children uttering it, they hear, find it fashionable, learn it and use it. Like it is known, what children see and hear, they learn it specially when they know or realize the fact that it’s not the right thing they are doing. This becomes their habit and they end up loading their normal conversing sentences with abuses.

7. Escapism
This happens when children choose to escape from what they are afraid of facing or are bored of attending or attempting. They know they are not the only one hiding or escaping from this, and there are other children to give company of escapism. For them, bunking school or classes is a way of escaping and instead they indulge in having a fun moment with friends. This gradually, from an occasional activity turns out to be a habit. Later, to cope up with the vast syllabus leads to malpractice and plagiarism. Instead of escaping, they should learn about making efforts but those who are less bothered about making efforts, end up being an escapist.

6. Incompetence
Laziness or less interest leads to incompetency in children which they tend to learn from the other children in school. This happens sometimes because of the situation they can’t face or are unprepared, and hence they feel bound to pick up the wrong path – like copying, cheating or lying. This further makes children making no efforts  themselves but enjoy the easy way to have it.  To grow up as a successful man, self-reliance is the chastity one should follow. Incompetency lowers down the confidence of relying upon oneself, taking the initiative and finding the way out against difficulties and complexities.

5. Flashocracy
Children often get attracted to whatever they see glittering, in the school they tend to become the face of ‘flashocracy’. Seeing others having what they don’t have and the dire need of having the same thing or making others see the richness dripping from one, is bad learning. Being materialistic, the craving for having the best one doesn’t die with the ending of school life; it follows till the entire career growth.   You see your friend blabbering about the new phone, video game or anything that makes you go greedy, and the very next moment you have that expensive thing with you -just to flaunt.

4. Slangs
This informal way of communicating or interacting is something which children grow up learning in school. This one has a negative effect since they are not using the word in right context. In case, that makes one wonder “which slangs”- “LOL”,  “Heyo”, ”wassup/wazup/ssup” , “dude”, “yeah”, “nope”. These inappropriate catchphrases may be charming, but this corrupts and ignores the existence of the original word. Moreover , writing suffers because of this, since children begin writing the way they speak it, and everything becomes short-form.

3. Groupism
two young girls laughing behind another girls back
Groupism occurs when children are influential enough to be accepted by the other and pair up the relationship and those who lack acceptance feel a sense of rejection. This creates the feeling of alienation in other children who are not accepted in the group. This poses a danger of complacency. They learn and develop with a mentality of mingling up with the one they are like or vice-verse.  Groupism is unlike socialism, where children stay together, learns to work together and the appreciation is shared by all of them. This leads to clashes between two groups, starting with verbal abuses, teasing, leading to physical attacks. Groupism doesn’t teach the strong to become stronger or the weak to become strong rather it encourages the feeling of hatred or simply dislike.

2. Bullying
This may start with small funny comments and teasing, pulling hair in aggression, mobbing, calling out with silly names, giggling at the victim, gossiping around with false rumors etc., but might end up with serious crime in the future. Children either learn to bully others, or get bullied or even witness bullying. It is often seen that the children who are subjected to bullies eventually either suffer with depression or become aggressive in future. The results are extreme. Inferiority complex and superiority complex both can aggravate the bullying nature in children. Also, It may be said that groupism or flashocracy is the cause and effect of bullying nature among children.
1.“ I know it all” attitude
i know it all attitude
It’s good to be the topper of the class, holding the leadership quality throughout the schooling and being the one followed instead of being a follower. But that doesn’t mean you can crack any stone. This confidence may impress someone but at the same time might seem to be over-confidence to an observer. Besides, when teachers in school are giving more preference to children who are intelligent/ prefects/ monitors, they are in turn neglecting the weaker ones, thereby, inculcating the feeling of  superiority in the mind of “best students” . And this too, negatively effects and spoils professional and social life in future. A good attitude is a good quality but over-confidence may give rise to bullying attitude towards fellow mates, or be the creator of groupism or even flashocracy.

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