24 April 2014

PEOPLE - 8 Mistakes That Are Slowing Your Weight Loss


8 Mistakes That Are Slowing Your Weight Loss

Read up to lighten up.

Mistake #1: You Have a Wimpy Breakfast
Mistake #2: Cardio Is Your Go-To
Even if you're spending time in the weight room, you may be hesitant to pick up the biggies. We hear you, but here's the thing: Using heavier weights for fewer reps can burn more calories than using lighter weights for more reps, according topast research. Not sure which weights you should be using? Read up on how to know if your free weights are heavy enough.

Mistake #4: You Don't Eat Before You Work Out
If you think you're keeping your calorie count down by avoiding grub pre-workout, get this: In new research out of the University of Arkansas, women who ate a high-protein meal before moderately exercising for 30 minutes boosted their calorie burn more than the ones who didn't chow down. 

Mistake #5: You Only Work Out on Your Own
People who join a weight-loss intervention group are more successful, according to a recent study. Even if you don't want to join a big group, you can team up with friends or relatives and go at your weight-loss goals together.

Mistake #6: You Stress Yourself Out About the Scale
In a recent study, dieters who learned stress-management techniques lost more poundage than the ones who didn't get the training. Learn to avoid anxiety and emotional eating, and you could speed your weight loss up in the process.

Mistake #7: You Down Diet Soda
Think you're steering clear of liquid calories by drinking diet? In a recent study, overweight and obese dieters who went for diet beverages ended up consuming the same amount of daily calories as full-sugar drinkers anyway. So step away from the diet soda, and sip on some H20 instead. 

Mistake #8: You Skip Dessert (But Not the Bread Basket)
When you pit pre-meal bread against dessert, it's actually better to go with the sweet stuff! Find out why here.

Source: http://www.womenshealthmag.com

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