6 April 2014

WATCH - Rats crawling over food 'at Tesco distribution centre' as delivery driver who worked there claims he 'almost died after contracting Weil's disease from vermin'

WATCH: Rats crawling over food 'at Tesco distribution centre' as delivery driver who worked there claims 'he almost died after contracting Weil's disease from vermin'

  • Darren Finn says he captured footage of rats crawling over food and crates
  • 39-year-old claims he was struck down by Weil's disease in November 2012
  • He claims he contracted the illness from bags soaked in rat's urine
  • Father-of-two nearly died after suffering kidney and liver failure
  • Tesco deny the claims, adding they passed scrupulous health inspections

A Tesco delivery driver who contracted a fatal disease claims he was infected at work after handling bags saturated with rat's urine.

Darren Finn, 39, who was diagnosed with Weil's disease, said the supermarket's distribution centres were overrun with the vermin.

The father-of-two, who captured this footage of a rat-infested container of food, was rushed into hospital in November 2012, complaining of debilitating flu-like symptoms.

When doctors examined Mr Finn they discovered he was suffering from kidney failure, jaundice and a loss of function in his liver but they were baffled by the cause of his illness.

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Caught on camera: Former Tesco delivery driver Darren Finn captured footage of rats crawling over food and crates at a Tesco distribution centre. He claims he contracted the potentially deadly Weil's disease from bags he carried that he claims were saturated with rat's urine
Caught on camera: Former Tesco delivery driver Darren Finn captured footage of rats crawling over food and crates at a Tesco distribution centre. He claims he contracted the potentially deadly Weil's disease from bags he carried that he claims were saturated with rat's urine

Infested: Rats can be seen climbing up the crate inside the centre, while others are spotted scurrying between containers
Infested: Rats can be seen climbing up the crate inside the centre, while others are spotted scurrying between containers

Concerns: Mr Finn, a father-of-two, claims the distribution centre was overrun with vermin
Concerns: Mr Finn, a father-of-two, claims the distribution centre was overrun with vermin

Hospitalised: The 39-year-old fell ill with Weil's disease in November 2012, when he worked as part of Tesco's Harlow Transport Team. Doctors discovered he was suffering kidney and liver failure, and fought to keep him alive
Hospitalised: The 39-year-old fell ill with Weil's disease in November 2012, when he worked as part of Tesco's Harlow Transport Team. Doctors discovered he was suffering kidney and liver failure, and fought to keep him alive

It took more than a week before he was finally diagnosed with the potentially life-threatening condition Weil’s disease, by which time he had grown so ill hospital staff feared he might die.
Mr Finn, who lives in Epping, London with his wife and children, believes he contracted the disease while working as a fresh distribution lorry driver for Tesco.

    The supermarket chain deny the claim, adding they have passed scrupulous Environmental Health inspections.

    But Mr Finn said the distribution centre was constantly overrun with rats and staff members were not given adequate equipment to safeguard them from illness.

    He said: 'I have been to hell and back due to this illness. I honestly believed I was going to die when I was in hospital as I was on death’s door - even the doctors were extremely worried.

    'Thankfully I managed to pull through but I am not the same as I was before and I doubt I’ll ever be back to what I was before.

    Problem: Mr Finn said he had been concerned about the sanitation of the company's distribution centers claiming they had consistently attracted a high number of rats due to available food waste
    Problem: Mr Finn said he had been concerned about the sanitation of the company's distribution centers claiming they had consistently attracted a high number of rats due to available food waste

    'The distribution centres and stores are teaming with vermin and it is the only place I have ever come in to contact with rat urine so there is no where else I could have got the disease,' he claimed.

    Mr Finn had been employed as a delivery driver for Tesco for more than 10 years and was part of the company’s Harlow Transport Team.

    Ordeal: Mr Finn has since left Tesco and is now working for DHL
    Ordeal: Mr Finn has since left Tesco and is now working for DHL
    He said he had been concerned about the sanitation of the company’s distribution centers claiming they had consistently attracted a high number of rats due to available food waste.

    He said: 'The state of the distribution centers is disgusting. There are rats and vermin all over the place, every time we arrive for a night shift you can see them scurrying around as they are attracted to the food.

    'When you pick up the bags they are often wet and with so many rats running around I’m sure there is a lot of rat urine.

    'The equipment Tesco give us is simply not sufficient, all we have are the overalls and a pair of cloth gloves that soak in all the moisture. They get soaking so if you have a cut or you rub your eye God knows what you’re going to end up with.

    'I was one of the unlucky ones and it almost cost me my life.'

    Mr Finn, who has left Tesco and now works for DHL, instructed law firm Slater & Gordon to pursue a civil action against the supermarket giant. Tesco have denied liability for his illness.

    'I decided to take legal action not just because I want them to answer for what they did to me but to also make sure no one else suffers as I have. Other employees are at risk,' Mr Finn said.

    Tracey Benson, personal injury lawyer with Slater & Gordon, said: 'Darren has suffered a great deal of pain and distress from this condition which could have easily cost him his life.  

    Denial: A spokesman for Tesco said the supermarket does not accept liability for Mr Finn's illness, adding there is 'no evidence to suggest he caught the disease while working for Tesco'
    Denial: A spokesman for Tesco said the supermarket does not accept liability for Mr Finn's illness, adding there is 'no evidence to suggest he caught the disease while working for Tesco'


    Weil's disease - or leptospirosis - is a type of bacterial infection spread by animals.
    In 90 per cent of cases the disease causes mild flu-like symptoms, including headache, chills and muscle pain.
    Where the infection takes hold of a patient's body and is more severe, it can be life-threatening causing organ failure and internal bleeding.
    The disease is spread in water contaminated with the urine of wild animals infected with the leptospira bacteria.
    Animals known to carry the bacteria include cattle, pigs, dogs and rodents, particularly rats.
    ansmission of the disease between humans is incredibly rare. 
    In the UK only 44 cases of the disease were reported in England and Wales during 2011. None were fatal.
    The infection can be treated with a course of antibiotics.
    'The pictures and video he has provided has shown there are a high number of rats scavenging in the recycling and food waste his team was tasked with moving yet they were provided with insufficient safety equipment for the job.

    'Employers have a responsibility to protect staff and provide them with the correct equipment to enjoy a safe working environment. 

    'If they fail to provide this they may be liable if an employee suffers injury or ill health.'

    A Tesco spokesperson said the company deny any liability for Mr Finn's illness.

    He said: 'We take any health and safety issues at our sites very seriously. 

    'Following Mr Finn’s original allegation in December 2012, the Harlow site where he was based was thoroughly inspected by Environmental Health officers who found we had robust pest control routines in place.  

    'We believe there is no evidence to suggest he caught Weil’s disease while working for Tesco. 
    'Legal proceedings are ongoing and we are in touch with Mr Finn’s representatives.'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2597603/WATCH-Rats-crawling-food-Tesco-distribution-centre-delivery-driver-claims-died-contracting-Weils-disease-vermin.html#ixzz2y3MQzqtq
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