11 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 250 (10/05/2014)

2491.            Actor Richard Gere was considered to play the role of John McClane in the movie
    Die Hard. Bruce Willis played the part instead.

2492.            The record for the world?s worst drivers is a toss-up between two candidates: First,
    a 75-year-old man who received 10 traffic tickets, drove on the wrong side of the
    road four times, committed four hit-and-run offenses, and caused six accidents, all
    within 20 minutes on October 15, 1966. Second, a 62-year-old woman who failed
    her driving test 40 times before passing it in August, 1970 (by that time, she had
    spent over $700 in lessons, and could no longer afford to buy a car).

2493.            Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

2494.            Left-handed people are better at sports that require good spatial judgment and fast
    reaction, compared to right-handed individuals.

2495.            Half of a cup of figs will give you just as much calcium as half a cup of milk.

2496.            A "hairbreadth away" is 1/48 of an inch.

2497.            In 1281, the Mongol army of Kublai Khan tried to invade Japan but were ravaged by
    a hurricane that destroyed their fleet.

2498.            Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

2499.            Studies show that couples that smoke during the time of conception have a higher
    chance of having a girl compared to couples that do not smoke.

2450.            The reason why some people get a cowlick is because the growth of their hair is in
    a spiral pattern, which causes the hair to either stand straight up, or goes to a
    certain angle.

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