13 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 252 (12/05/2014)

2511.            Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air.

2512.            In 1998, approximately 1.6 billion tree seedlings were planted in the United States.
    This amounts to about five trees per American.

2513.            There are species of fish that can walk on land in search of water when its water
    source dries up. Some can survive as long as three days on land such as the
    snake head fish.

2514.            Racecar driver Lee Petty once left a pitstop and did a full lap at Nascar with a pit
    crew member still on the hood.

2515.            The first fashion house to be set up was in 1858 by Charles Worth. He opened his
    store in Paris with the idea of having pre-made gowns presented on models to his

2516.            St. Patrick explained the Holy Trinity to King Laoghaire, using the shamrock to
    illustrate the trinity.

2517.            More twins are born in the Western world than in the Eastern world.

2518.            Nine egg yolks have been found in one chicken egg.

2519.            The record for the longest Monopoly game played in a bathtub is ninety-nine hours.

2520.            The flea can jump 350 times its body length, that is like a 6 foot-tall human jumping
    the length of 7 football fields.

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