23 May 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 259 (19/05/2014)

2581.            The cost to build the Empire State Building was $40,948,900.

2582.            A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day will on average lose two teeth
    every ten years.

2583.            Wasps that feed on ferment occasionally get drunk and pass out.

2584.            The largest cereal company in the world is Quaker Oats, located in Cedar Rapids,
    Iowa, USA.

2585.            The first Olympic games only had one event - a foot race.

2586.            Colonel Sanders traveled over 250,000 miles a year visiting various parts of his
    Kentucky Fried Chicken Empire.

2587.            Some desert snails have been known to sleep for three to four years.

2588.            Over 80% of the brain is water.

2589.            From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size.

2590.            Jackrabbits can reach a speed of fifty miles per hour and can leap as far as
    twenty feet.

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