13 May 2014

MAJORITY? - A Majority Opinion Does Not Always Mean the ''Right'' Opinion

A Majority Opinion Does Not Always Mean the ''Right'' Opinion

One of the toughest things about living our lives in exactly the way we desire is that it often requires us to go against the grain in countless ways. You need to do things a lot differently than most people do. You need to think a lot differently than most people do. You need to take bold action that many would deem silly, ‘’irresponsible’’, or unrealistic.

We all have our way of looking at the world, our own ideas of what comprises reality. Sadly, most of us have a very limited view of what is possible in this life and heaps of limiting beliefs that lead us to play it safe, to be ‘’’responsible’’, to conform to what others have arbitrarily deemed the appropriate way to live.

It is all too easy to buy into the idea that if the majority of people think one way, then that must be the proper way to live, that that is what makes the most sense. You may face criticism and judgment for your beliefs and how you live your life, and it can make you doubt yourself, make you think that maybe you are the one in the wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is understandable though how we fall prey to all of this. I suspect those of us whose confidence permeates every fiber of their being is few and far between. Even though you may know you are making the right choices for you, that doubt may creep up, especially when you are being directly challenged over and over again by people who are spouting the same opinions, telling you how things should be, what you are ‘’supposed’’ to do. 

A majority opinion in no way always represents the ‘’right’’ opinion. I put right in quotation marks there because when it comes to most matters of living, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, it is simply a matter of preference. Selling drugs to kids to make money, cheating people in business, yeah, those things are wrong. If you do not want to get married or have children or you want to roam the world taking odd jobs to support yourself or you like the idea of changing careers every year, not wrong, just a preference. 

It can be daunting doing what you truly want when everyone else seems to disagree. But, you need to follow your heart and do what is right for you, even if 99 percent of other people out there think you are ’’wrong.’’ People that bucked conventional thinking are the ones who are living the most amazing lives, the ones who have done the most amazing things. Their line of thinking was certainly not shared by the majority. 

So, the next time you find yourself doubting whether you are doing the ‘’right’’ thing, think about whose line of thinking you would rather follow, the Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfreys of this world, or the naysayers who are living lives they are constantly complaining about?

Source: http://kelli-cooper.blogspot.com

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