13 May 2014

MEN - Chemicals in toothpaste, soap and children’s plastic toys ‘can cause male infertility’

Chemicals in toothpaste, soap and children’s plastic toys ‘can cause male infertility’

  • Chemicals can alter sperm's swimming and ability to penetrate egg cells
  • One in three common chemicals in household items thought to affect sperm
  • The chemicals are found in soap, toothpaste, sunscreen and plastics  
  • First time man-made substances have shown direct link to male fertility 

Chemicals found in everyday products such as toothpaste, soap and even plastic toys are having a direct impact on male fertility, according to new research. 

It is thought that the chemicals affect the potency of sperm, altering their swimming behaviour and causing them to prematurely release enzymes which are needed to penetrate egg cells. 

It is the first time that research has shown a link between the direct effect of man-made chemicals on male fertility and it is thought it will see concern grow about the hidden toxicity of chemicals in everyday items. 

Chemicals in products such as toothpaste can affect the potency of sperm, according to researchers
Chemicals in products such as toothpaste can affect the potency of sperm, according to researchers

The study, published in the Independent, shows that one in three common chemicals found in products such as detergents and plastics affected sperm. 

Scientists also believe the research shows that there was a ‘cocktail effect’ when several chemicals worked together to affect fertility.

    Professor Niels Skkakkebaek, of Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark told the newspaper: ‘For the first time we have shown a direct link between exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals from industrial products and adverse effects on human sperm function. 

    In the study, one in three common chemicals found in products such as detergents, soap and plastics affected sperm
    In the study, one in three common chemicals found in products such as detergents, soap and plastics affected sperm
    ‘In my opinion, our findings are clearly a concern as some endocrine-disrupting chemicals are possibly more dangerous than previously thought. However, it remains to be seen from forthcoming clinical studies whether our findings may explain reduced couple fertility which is very common in modern society.’ 

    It has been reported that low concentrations of the chemicals triggered a reaction in test-tube studies, even though scientists thought the concentrations would be low enough to not cause any effect. 

    Around 30 of the 96 common household chemicals tested had a direct effect on the protein within sperm, which controls its motility and ability to enter an egg to trigger fertilisation. 

    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been linked with declining sperm counts and widespread male infertility for several years. 

    Some believe that they mimic female sex hormones such as oestrogen and in other cases interfere with the male reproductive system by acting as anti-androgens. 
    The chemicals are ingested by people either by consuming them as food or drink or absorbing them in their skin in the case of soap and sun screen.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2625963/Chemicals-toothpaste-soap-childrens-plastic-toys-cause-male-infertility.html#ixzz31XQkB0se
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