9 May 2014

MH370 - Survey finds 77 per cent of Aussies don’t believe MH370 search teams are looking in the right area

WE’RE looking in the wrong place for MH370 and we don’t want to pay any more to find it — that’s what you think about the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.

A survey conducted by News Corp Australia websites yesterday found that although 60 per cent of respondents (2,686) believe the plane will eventually be found, 77 per cent of them (3,411) don’t believe search teams are even looking in the right area

This theory is backed up by a plethora of both credible and, frankly, outrageous alleged sightings of the aircraft since it went missing above Malaysia on March 8 carrying 239 people.

It has since reportedly been spotted in the Bay of Bengal, the Gulf of Thailand, the South China Sea — and as far away as the Maldives and Diego Garcia, a US defence base on a little atoll — but searchers still have no firm clue where the plane actually is.

And although more than half of respondents (55 per cent) think the search should continue until it is found, 71 per cent (3,198) don’t think Australia should keep funding it.

Australia has already spent about $43 million on the hunt, as talks continue over who will fork out another $60 million for a more extensive underwater operation.

A similar survey conducted by CNN/ORC International in the US also found most Americans believe the search for missing plane should continue, but roughly half of respondents in that country also think the arduous search is being conducted in the wrong place.

Nearly eight in 10 respondents of the US poll, or 79 per cent, think there are no survivors.

Slightly more than half of all Americans — or 52 per cent — believe that the general public will eventually find out what occurred, but 46 per cent say that the fate of the missing airliner will always remain a mystery.

Bizarrely, almost one in ten Americans also think “space aliens” were involved in the disappearance.

The survey found that nine per cent of the respondents believe “space aliens or beings from another dimension were involved”.

Source: http://www.news.com.au

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