8 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 278 (07/06/2014)

2771.            To make one pound of whole milk cheese, 10 pounds of whole milk is needed.

2772.            If all the insects in the world were put on a scale, they would out weigh all creatures.

2773.            Women smile more than men do.

2774.            A ripe cranberry will bounce. Another name for a cranberry is bounceberry.

2775.            Termites work 24 hours per day -- they do not sleep.

2776.            The Romans used to clean themselves with olive oil since they did not have any
    soap. They would pour the oil on their bodies, and then use a strigil, which is type
    of blade, to scrape off any dirt along with the oil.

2777.            The act of stretching and yawning is referred to as pandiculation.

2778.            In the 1960 movie "Psycho" by Alfred Hitchcock, chocolate syrup was used to
    show the blood in the shower scene.

2779.            Carolyn Shoemaker, famous astronomer, has discovered 32 comets and
    approximately 300 asteroids.

2780.            The longest fangs of a snake are found on the Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica),
    and can reach over 2 inches in length.

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