19 June 2014

10 GREAT FACTS A DAY - Part 289 (18/06/2014)

2881.            Every year approximately 3,000 people choke to death.

2882.            Cow is a Japanese brand of shaving foam.

2883.            The fastest running bird is the Ostrich, which has been clocked at 97.5 kilometres
    per hour.

2884.            When the divorce rate goes up in the United States, toy makers report that the
    sale of toys also rise.

2885.            Q-Tip Cotton Swabs were originally called Baby Gays.

2886.            The Pacific island of Tonga once issued a stamp that was banana shaped.

2887.            A mole can dig a tunnel three hundred feet long in a single night.

2888.            The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

2889.            The only commercial aircraft that is able to break the sound barrier is the

2890.            U.S. Postal Service processes 38 million address changes each year.

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