5 July 2014

THINGS PEOPLE DO - After a truly horrifying story of debauchery in a Magaluf nightclub, SUE REID reports from... The island where well spoken British girls sell their bodies for holiday cash

After a truly horrifying story of debauchery in a Magaluf nightclub, SUE REID reports from... The island where well spoken British girls sell their bodies for holiday cash

  • Thousands of British teenagers see a trip to Magaluf as a 'rite of passage'
  • They party on a seedy street filled with neon-lit bars and lap-dancing joints
  • Teenage girl from UK was filmed performing a sex act in public on 24 men after being told she would win a 'holiday' in video that has gone viral
  • Police on Majorca said the Britons visiting 'get younger every year'

Scandal: This is the 18-year-old British girl who was filmed performing sex acts on 24 men at a nightclub
Scandal: This is the 18-year-old British girl who was filmed performing sex acts on 24 men at a nightclub
Tonight, and every night in summer, thousands of British teenagers will stumble drunkenly up and down the noisy ‘Magaluf’ strip, a seedy street of neon-lit bars, lap-dancing joints, sex shops and cheap kebab take-aways on the island of Majorca. 

This hellish place is party central for young Britons who view a holiday of hot sun, dirt-cheap booze and wild carousing from midnight until dawn on the strip, called Punta Balena, as a ‘rite of passage’ into adulthood.

By six in the morning, when the deafening dance music stops on the orders of the authorities, the pavement of Punta Balena is awash with vomit, and littered with empty plastic cocktail glasses.

Lying at the feet of those revellers who are still standing is the tell-tale paraphernalia of so-called ‘hippy crack’ — the countless deflated red and blue balloons that have been used to fill young lungs with laughing gas (nitrous oxide). 

At £3.90 a shot, they give holiday makers a burst of euphoria similar, it is said, to a snort of cocaine.

It was amid this mayhem that a teenage girl from the UK performed a sex act in  public on 24 men in succession after attending a night-time party organised by an outfit called Carnage Magaluf. She had apparently been told she would be rewarded for her efforts with a free holiday. 

Whatever the truth of this, the 18-year-old from Northern Ireland was filmed with one man after another on the dance-floor of a popular bar, just off the strip, encouraged by yelling youngsters, one of whom caught the sordid episode on a mobile phone. 

The clip is now viral on the internet and it’s been reported that the promised  ‘holiday’ was — in reality — a £4 cocktail made with gin, vodka, peach schnapps, blackcurrant liqueur and fruit juice. 

Carnage Magaluf, an outfit renowned for running £20-a-head, hours-long drinking parties sprinkled with competitive sex games in Punta Balena, has since put out a Twitter statement saying that the girl was not offered a cocktail in exchange for the hideously degrading act but — even more shockingly — chose to do it herself without coercion of any kind. 
Last night, Majorca’s government reacted with horror to the film, blaming the boozy, lewd behaviour of British tourists, both male and female, on their bad upbringing.

    ‘This sort of behaviour cannot be tolerated. It gives our island and women a  terrible image. We regard it as outrageous and we have to stop it whichever way we can,’ said spokeswoman Nuria Riera.

    And in a swipe at British education, she added: ‘There are people who come here with certain types of behaviour or educational patterns that need to be fought against in their own country.’

    To anyone who hasn’t witnessed the strip in the early hours, the film incident might seem inconceivable. 

    High spirits: Young Brits enjoy a night on the town, but others are out of control. By six in the morning the pavement of Punta Balena is awash with vomit, and littered with empty plastic cocktail glasses
    High spirits: Young Brits enjoy a night on the town, but others are out of control. By six in the morning the pavement of Punta Balena 
    is awash with vomit, and littered with empty plastic cocktail glasses

    But I am not surprised. When I spent a week investigating what goes on in Punta Balena I found that plenty of British girls are willingly performing sex acts to help pay for their holiday fun. 

    I watched five girls aged 18 to 22 from Hull drunkenly walk up and down the strip at 2am, pulling up their T-shirts to bare their breasts. 

    Short of money, they were offering boys the chance to suck their nipples in exchange for a couple of euros.

    One of them, a well-spoken, dark-haired teenager called Jessica who had just left school after taking her A-levels and was heading for  university, told me as she sat on a wall at the end of Punta Balena: ‘It seems a good way to get a bit of extra money for the holiday spend. 

    ‘We have all had a bit to drink. I realise you could call it “minor prostitution”. If our parents found out, they’d go mad.’ 

    The girls said they collected 62 euros in an hour of parading their bodies. ‘It was our idea,’ laughed Jessica. ‘We had heard from other British girls it was the thing to do. None of the men tried to hurt or attack us, but perhaps that was because they were so hammered too.’

    We have all had a bit to drink. I realise you could call it “minor prostitution. If our parents found out, they'd go mad' A British teenager
    Nearby I noticed a girl, one of many, lying half naked in the gutter. She was so drunk she could not give her name to police or the ambulance team who took her to hospital to have her stomach pumped. 

    Surrounded by scantily-clad friends, clutching each other to stay upright, the girls with Welsh accents had trouble even remembering the hotel where they were staying. 

    At 3am in a noisy Punta Balena bar, a disc jockey used his microphone to shout at a girl in her  teens to strip off her top and bra, climb on a table and balance a vodka/Red Bull cocktail on her naked bosom.

    The men in the bar were then urged to have a go at removing the glass with their teeth and their hands tied behind their backs, before drinking the concoction.

    There was no shortage of drunken male takers and the girl, full of booze herself, finally fell off the table into the baying onlookers. 

    No surprise, then, that a recent survey of 700 British youngsters in Majorca found that 15 per cent had been sexually harassed and 2 per cent raped while on holiday there — some of them, no doubt, in Magaluf. 

    On my visit, I heard persistent rumours of girl holidaymakers being raped. 

    Seedy: Thousands of young revellers stumble drunkenly up and down the noisy Magaluf strip, a street of neon-lit bars, lap-dancing joints, sex shops and cheap kebab take-aways (file picture)
    Seedy: Thousands of young revellers stumble drunkenly up and down the noisy Magaluf strip, a street of neon-lit bars, lap-dancing 
    joints, sex shops and cheap kebab take-aways (file picture)

    The revellers themselves told me that many do not report the attacks because they are so drunk or drugged they cannot remember the next morning who has accosted them or where exactly on the quarter-mile stretch of Punta Balena it happened. 

    Despite all this, Magaluf is a  magnet for 12,000 youngsters from the UK every summer as they celebrate the end of exams or school days. 

    It is now the place to be because, they told me, Ibiza is ‘too expensive’ and the once-popular Newquay in Cornwall is ‘too cold’.

    One senior Majorcan police officer whom I asked about the depraved British behaviour told me sadly: ‘The kids who come here from your country are getting younger each year. They used to be in their early 20s and now are as young as 16. They come here without their parents and without any kind of supervision. 

    ‘They all seem desperate to drink to excess, which is bewildering to the Spanish. There are plenty wanting cannabis and ecstasy tablets, too. 

    ‘The kids who come here from your country are getting younger each year'- Senior Majorcan police officer
    ‘We feel we have lost the battle against the British partying in this way. We have officers who patrol the Balena strip where they go at night, and then in the morning we are left to clear up the mess.’ 

    A holiday website — aptly called Shagalluf.com, and which promotes the Punta Balena clubs and drinking parties — recently put up a warning aimed at young female  holidaymakers that ‘extreme inebriation’ might mean they cannot find their way home, may accept lifts with strangers and run the risk of sexual assault as a result.

    The girl at the centre of the new storm is being slammed on Twitter posts as a ‘slag’ and ‘a shame to her parents’. 

    Other posts boast that the film of her is mild stuff compared with the sexual antics they have captured on their mobile phones while partying in Magaluf. But she is, of course, not the only ‘villain’ of the piece by any means. 

    Twenty-four young men are also to blame — some of them believed to be only 16 or 17 — and they revelled in the vile episode. 

    Yesterday, another sordid video emerged showing a young brunette girl performing sex acts on all-too-willing male revellers at a bar on the strip, while others encourage them and film it on their mobiles.

    The same video reveals a second girl having sex with a man, surrounded by young male partygoers, with some leaning in to the grope her. The man is wearing a T-shirt bearing the slogan: ‘What happens in Majorca stays in Majorca.’

    Backlash: The video posted of the 18-year-old girl prompted debate on social media, with some, including this user, taking to the internet to defend the British girl involved
    Backlash: The video posted of the 18-year-old girl prompted debate on social media, with some, including this user, taking to the 
    internet to defend the British girl involved

    I found another internet video of a girl, in suspenders and little else, being touched in the genitals by a man as she lies on a bar in a club.

    And there is plenty of other footage of rowdy, inebriated groups of British men on the Punta Balena strip going up to girls and surrounding them threateningly. 

    Some of the males are wearing T-shirts proclaiming: ‘50 ways of sex’, in a nod to the best-selling erotic novel. Only this week a British holidaymaker was wrestled to the ground by a dozen police after he attacked and bit tourists on the beach near the strip. 

    The 28-year-old is thought to have taken an experimental drug dubbed Cannibal — one of a number of mind-bending new narcotics being peddled to young holidaymakers — and confessed to swallowing a cocktail of pills.

    Cannibal is also being linked to a 17-year-old British girl being taken to hospital after she bit other revellers early on Wednesday morning. 

    She claimed afterwards she had only had two drinks and no drugs, and police are investigating whether her drinks had been spiked.

    Meanwhile, police have increased their patrols of the strip and launched an inquiry into the internet film. 

    Mayor Manu Onieva has also voiced his ‘absolute indignation’ at the British teenager’s performance, which the Majorcan press dubbed ‘mamading’, a play on the Spanish word of ‘mamad’ for sex act. 

    It remains to be seen whether the authorities, despite their strong words condemning the Britons’ behaviour, are posturing — after all, millions of euros pour into Magaluf courtesy of Punta Balena’s tourists — or if the latest shocking episode will, at last, stop the party in what Spaniards themselves now call the town of ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’.

    Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2681197/After-truly-horrifying-story-debauchery-Magaluf-nightclub-SUE-REID-reports-The-island-spoken-British-girls-sell-bodies-holiday-cash.html#ixzz36bhltOuc 

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