19 July 2014

CRUEL ISRAEL - Ongoing clashes in Jerusalem as Palestinians protest against the Israeli attacks on Gaza

 Published on Friday, 18 July 2014 14:43

PNN/ Jerusalem
Clashes erupted in the Wadi El-Joz area and Al-Aqsa mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem after Friday prayers. The youth went to the streets to show their anger and to protest for the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip that has killed 28 Palestinians since last night.
Palestinian media sources reported that the demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza started after Friday prayers in the Al-Aqsa mosque compound and in the Salah el-Din street in East of Jerusalem. 
Eyewitnesses reported that the Israeli forces stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque heavily armed, and the youth immediately clashed with the Israeli Occupation Forces who started shooting gas and rubber bullets, injuring several protesters.
Local sources report 15 Palestinians have been injured by rubber bullets so far inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, including the director of the mosque. El-Sheikh Oumar Al-Kiswany, who manages the Al-Aqsa mosque, was injured with rubber bullets during the  clashes and had to be transferred to receive medical attention.
There is ongoing clashes at the moment in the Al Aqsa mosque compound, in Wadi Joz and in the Salah el-Din street next to Damascus Gate.
Source: http://english.pnn.ps

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