6 July 2014

UGANDA - Ten Interesting Facts about Uganda

1. Around 50% of Uganda’s population survives on less than
    one dollar a day.
2. There are still untapped large crude oil and natural gas
    reserves in Uganda.
3. Uganda is a conservative society; it is generally
    unacceptable for women to wear skimpy clothing.
4. In Uganda, “skimpy” is defined as “not reaching your
5. The average church service in Uganda lasts between 4 to
    6 hours.
6. In Uganda, homosexuality is forbidden by law and is
    considered a punishable crime.
7. The Internet connection in Uganda is very slow, with many
    Internet cafes running only off mobile phones.
8. The main transportation vehicle in Uganda are bicycles.
9. Uganda is one of the top countries in the world when it
    comes to alcohol consumption.
10. Ugandans love meat stews, but the “meat” is not just the
     meat – it’s also the animal’s liver, stomach, intestines,
     tongue, etc. The Ugandan cook wastes nothing.

Source: http://www.travelingeast.com

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