24 August 2014

DRIVING SAFETY - 10 Facts You Must Know About Accidents


10 Facts You Must Know About Accidents

Protecting yourself from fatal mistakes goes far beyond buckling up

1.   Accidents are the third-biggest killer of men in America. In
      2007, car accidents, fires, poisonings, and other unexpected
      tragedies killed nearly 80,000 guys.

2.   Unsurprisingly, motor vehicle crashes—like the one that
      nearly killed Jay Williams—lead the way as the most common
      accidental death. In 2012, over 20,000 men were killed on the

3.   Men are more prone to motor vehicle crashes than women,
      and as a result, die more frequently. According to the U.S.
      Department of Transportation, guys rack up more miles and
      engage in riskier driving practices, like not wearing seatbelts and
      driving while intoxicated.

4.   Simply wearing a seatbelt reduces your risk of a crash-
      related death by about 50 percent. That’s big. Men are 10 percent
      less likely to wear their seatbelts than women.

5.   Poison is the second most frequent accidental killer. It claims
      just over 33,000 male and female lives per year.

6.   That doesn’t just mean swallowing cleaning substances.
      Adults can be poisoned via pain relievers, antidepressants,
      sedatives, alcohol, street drugs, cosmetics, antihistamines, and

7.   Next up on the list: fires and burns. They’re the third-leading
      cause for accidental injuries. In 2010, more than 13,000 people
      were hurt as a result of fires—and 2,640 died.

8.   The biggest cause of fire-related deaths is a familiar culprit:
      smoking. Cooking is the leading cause of residential fires. Most
      fire victims don’t die from the burns, but rather, fall victim to the
      smoke or toxic gases.

9.   Drowning is another form of accidental death. Nearly 80
      percent of people who die underwater are male.

10. The most common theme in all these accidents? Neglecting
      instructions. The best way to reduce your risk is remarkably
      simple: Follow the rules. Pay attention. Abide by the law.

Source: http://www.menshealth.com/

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