21 August 2014

FITNESS - 5 Tips for Running in the Heat


5 Tips for Running in the Heat

You don't have to struggle from start to finish. Do this to run with ease this summer

The warm weather may make you want to dial up your speed during a run, but curb your enthusiasm: New research found that men are worse at pacing themselves than women—especially in the heat.

In the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research study, researchers analyzed split times from the 2007 and 2009 Chicago marathons. They found that men slowed down more than women in the last 8 miles of the 26.2-mile race. Men were also worse at pacing during the 2007 marathon, where temps averaged 80 degrees, compared to the 2009 race, where the average temperature was 37 degrees.

Women are better at pacing themselves during long, hot runs because their bodies process heat better, says the study’s primary investigator Nick Trubee, M.S., C.S.C.S., a doctoral candidate at the University of Kentucky. But anytime you run in high temperatures, you'll automatically be slower. The reason: The heat shifts blood away from your muscles to your skin in order to help you cool down. “The shift in blood flow leaves active muscles with an inadequate blood supply to sustain a higher running velocity,” explains Trubee.
So what's a man to do? Luckily, you don't have to struggle through your summer runs. Keep reading to learn how to maintain your pace and finish strong every time.

Start slow.
Even during training runs,your initial pace should be slower than your average pace, says Trubee. This prevents your body temperature from getting too high early in the workout, which will make you slow down prematurely.

Ignore your speed.

Run on effort instead, says Larry Blaylock, a USATF-certified running coach in Los Angeles, California. “While you may typically run at a 9-minute-per-mile pace, on a hot day a 9:30 mile may feel more normal. That’s 100 percent OK.” You'll be able to finish your mileage at that pace instead of stopping early or struggling from start to finish.
Check the humidity.“In the summer months, it’s not just the heat but the humidity that can really slow you down,” says Gilbert Tuhabonye, coach of Gilbert’s Gazelle’s training group in Austin, Texas. Humidity makes it more difficult for sweat to evaporate off of your body, which is how sweating cools you down. When the temperature is more than 65 degrees and the relative humidity is 45 percent or higher, dial back your pace by about 45 to 60 seconds per mile, Tuhabonye advises.

Take breaks.
The heat raises your heart rate, but periodic stops allow your heart rate to come back down, says Jeff Bowman, a USA Triathlon-certified coach with Revolutions Triathlon Coaching in Tallahassee, Florida. Rub a cold towel or ice on your body to cool yourself during breaks, or follow Bowman’s lead: “On long Ironman training outings, we stop by a local spring and jump in.”
Give it two weeks.
Learning to run in the heat won't happen over night. It typically takes two weeks for your body to acclimate. Your body will sweat more and start sweating earlier into your workout to help you stay cool. You’ll also have less salt in your sweat so that your body loses fewer electrolytes, Trubee says.

Source: http://www.menshealth.com

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